2. Unsual meeting

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"Chaeyoungie fighting!" Everyone cheers Chaeyoung as she comes in Heaven.

She has brought the car. I am supposed to drop her at Incheon airport.

"Thank you guys," Chaeng smiles at them.

"Call us as soon as you reach there," Jihyo tells her.

"I know you're going to rock in Taiwan," Jackson pats her head.

I leave the rest of the job to Adele and wait for Chaeyoung in the car. I see, one by one everyone wishing her the best of luck. After that she comes in and sits in the front passenger seat.

"Oi Yoo Kyungwan, don't speed. Drive safe," mother Jihyo advises me.

"Yes mom," I tell her.

"I don't have daughter like you," she pushes my head with her index finger.

Chaeyoung waves to everyone and I start to drive. I speed up as soon as we hit the highway.

"I told you not to speed, Yoo Kyungwan," I hear Jihyo's voice in my car in which there is no Jihyo. It mildly surprised me before I realise it is Chaeyoung speaking. We laugh at her mimicry of Jihyo's voice. This is one of Chaeyoung's speciality. She is good in voice mimicry.

"I thought Jihyo was hiding in the backseat," I say, chuckling. "You still manage to surprise me when you do that out of the blue."

She laughs, "It will be funny if Jihyo unnie really pops out from behind. She is the only person you're scared of."

"Hey, I'm not scared of her," I protest. "She is my best friend. We just listen to each other. She knows how to handle the great Yoo Jeongyeon because we have been friends for so long."

"What's so great about you? I've known you longer and I can also easily handle you."

"You just think so because I let you have your way with me because you're a baby."

"I'm not a baby," she pouts. I laugh at her.

"You're acting like a baby and telling me you're not a baby. 'I'm not a baby'," I imitate her to mock.

"By the way, whenever you call yourself Yoo Jeongyeon, I always think of Guardians of the Galaxy. Peter called himself Starlord. You're Kyungwan and you're calling yourself Jeongyeon," she says.

"I like the name Jeongyeon better."

We reach the Incheon airport and I help her unload her luggage. She sits on her wheeled suitcase.

"Push," she says. I shake my head and pull her suitcase.

"Yay!" she squeals in delight, riding on the suitcase.

After seeing her off, I head back to my car. Let's go home. I step on the gas, turn the music on and groove as I drive. An unusual sight catches my eyes when I'm crossing Hangang bridge. There is a woman in a wedding dress standing by the sidewalk, looking out at Han river. What a strange thing to see. Why would a bride be here? I drive past her and then watch her at my side view mirror again. She is crying!

Oh no! A woman in wedding dress crying on a bridge. Could it be.... Is she... attempting suicide?! She is stepping closer to the railing. I think I'm right!

I quickly pull over at the side, open my car's door and run towards her. She is trying to climb up the railing. I run as fast as my legs can carry. Fortunately, the woman is having trouble climbing the railing in her wedding dress.

"Hey! Stop right there," I shout, but she isn't paying attention to me. I see her crying. She succeeds in climbing up the railing but I've already reached her, and before she could jump, I grab and pull her towards myself. I must have pulled too hard in the spur of the moment, we fall with a THUMP on the pavement.

Oh my Jesus, Allah, Krishna, Buddha and GodJihyo! Did my backbone just break? My back hurts!

"Why were you trying to kill yourself, miss?" I ask, standing up and straightening my back. I try to pull her up but she is persistent and keeps crouching on the ground, crying bitterly.

"What's wrong?"

She replies to me in gibberish. I can't comprehend a word she just said. But if you insist you wanna know what she replied, well, she said, "Lebalebaljfixufuigg."

"What's your name? Where are you from?"

No answer; she continues to cry on. What should I do? I don't know who she is but I can't leave her alone here at this state. She will try to jump off the bridge again after I leave. Then saving her now will be pointless. I try to lift her bridal style but she wriggles and grabs my face with her palm. I drop her because she tried to pluck my face. She lands staggeringly on her feet and pushes me away. She goes to the rails and stares at the sky. Her shoulders heave as she sobs hard. I'm not talking to her because I find that useless. I grab her elbow and spin her body around; I swoop lower and sweep her off her feet, lifting her on my shoulder. She struggles to get off but I hold on tight with all the might I got.

"Stop moving!" I scream. She must have been pretty shaken psychologically to attempt suicide, I feel like she is rather weak physically also at the moment. I easily beat her weak resistance and dump her on the passenger's seat. I slam the door shut and lock it so that she can't get out. I quickly run to the driver's side. I step inside the car, buckle the belt and hit in the gas.

I am saving her life, but what should I do now? She keeps crying. Should I take home or leave her in a hospital or police station? As I drive wondering, I come across two policemen outside a café on a table. Let me take help from them.

I park near the cafe. I make sure to lock the door after I step out. Then I approach the policemen.

"Excuse me, officers. I need a little help," I say, grabbing their attention.

"Yah kid, can't you see we are eating?" one of them says.

"The girl in my car needs to be sent to her family. She tried to kill herself. I don't know her. Could you-"

My sentence is cut short by the ugly policeman's scream.

"What do you know about us, huh? We had been patrolling all night. Can't we get a break huh?" he says.

How would I know that? What on earth is he talking about? I guess he badly needs sleep. Or something must have happened to them to put them in such a mood.

"Yah kid, we are off duty now. Go to the station for help," says the even uglier policeman.

OK, now this pisses me off. Why are they wearing that uniform? I understand that they could be tired after staying up awake all night patrolling. But this is bullshit. They're turning me down straightway.

"She's wearing a bridal dress and crying. Maybe this kid is the husband and wants to get rid of her, may be that's why she's crying," says ugly to uglier and the uglier one chuckles, while I just stare at them in disbelief and mentally stab their hands with the fork they are holding.

"Kid, why are you still here?" says uglier.

"Enjoy your meal," I fake a smile at them and turn back to my car.

They have infuriated me. I roll down the window as I get ready to hit the gas.

"Officers," I yell at them. They turn their heads towards me. "I know how hard you work. I'm so sorry for disturbing your meal but I'd like you to know that I'm grateful for your service so I'd like to salute you." Then I salute them with my middle finger and drive away. I smile to myself after their baffled reactions.

"Yah!" I distantly hear one of them shout. Yeah, fuck you.

What to do now?

Should I go to the police station? No. After meeting those two wonderful policemen, no way. I should just take her with me and ask advice from uncle JYP. He can surely help me.

To be continued...


For new Onces, let me inform you that Jeongyeon's former name was Kyungwan. She changed it because she was teased that Kyungwan sounds like a boy's name. Kyungwan is a unisex name, that means it can be used both for a boy and a girl.

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