4. Troubled Soul

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Why is this place so dark? Why do my eyelids feel very heavy? I can't fully open my eyes. I try my best to open them and see where I am.

I'm on Hangang bridge and I see Im Nayeon standing and crying on the rail of the bridge. Is she trying to kill herself again?

I run towards her as I fast as I can but my movement is too sluggish. I am afraid I might not reach her in time. I want to shout to her to stop but I am too tired. Finally, on reaching close to her, I jump up on the rail and I am about to grab her when I slip and fall down from the bridge. My back is facing downward and I can see Nayeon, still crying up there.

The fall seems long. There must be water below. But my back hit solid ground.... Then everything turns black for a millisecond and my consciousness come back.

I am immobile. I can't move my arms. I can't move my legs. My body is not following my brain. Where am I? I'm in my bed. I have been dreaming. I have waken up but my body is paralyzed.

"What do you want to have for breakfast?" I hear Adele speak.

"I don't mind anything." I hear Dahyun respond.

I shout for help but no sound. I exert myself to move. But I am not moving. If I could just make my finger twitch I might wake up. My efforts are of no use. It is tiring and suffocating. My body isn't following my brain.

My eyes shoot open when Adele fumbled on the bed for her hair band. At last, I feel like I can breathe again. I sit up and wipe the sweat off my face.

"Good morning," Adele beams at me, while she ties up her hair.

"Morning," I reply. My throat feels so dry.

"What do you want to eat for breakfast?"

"Anything will do. I will brush first."

I got a fright as soon as I enter the bathroom. I jump because of Dahyun standing there with her long hair all over her face. Startled, I take a step back because she suddenly stoops and starts swinging her head vigorously up and down. Either she is trying to imitate a mad rock guitarist or she is possessed. I'm afraid her head might fly off her shoulders.

"What the hell are you doing?" I demand an answer.

She stops and looks up at me through her dishevelled wet hair. "There is no blow-dryer. I'm trying to dry my hair."

Oh, so she wasn't possessed after all.

"Chaeyoung probably has one in her room. Go find it. Let me brush in peace," I usher her out of the bathroom. I never have to worry about drying my hair with a blow-dryer because I have short hair, it dries up quickly with no aid.

After my morning routine, I go to the kitchen to see what Adele is doing.

"Please wake Somi," she orders as soon as she sees me.

I go to Chaeyoung's bedroom to wake up Somi. She is sleeping with her mouth open.

"Somi, wake up," I shake her body. She doesn't budge. I shake her harder and she wakes up whining. It reminds me of baby beast. She doesn't like waking up early, too.

After breakfast I climb up to the sixth floor to see Jihyo and Nayeon. I am curious how their night went.

I reach Jihyo's house, the door is locked and no one answers my bell. Jihyo must have gone to Heaven. I scurry down the stairs and meet Jackson and Jimin on my way. We walk along together and when we reach the ground floor we see Adele walking in the front yard.

"Let's go together, Adele," I shout at her. She turns to see and waits for us. She hugs my arm as soon as we reach her. Ahead, we go to Heaven.

"Coffee?" Jackson asks as soon as we reach.

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