Chapter 3: Scouting Legion

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Your Point of View

I am riding inside a wagon together with Levi fucking Ackerman at my right side, because today is the day where all the shit would happen to me.

And what is that? None other than joining the fucking Trainee Corps.

I don't know the exact reason why do I have to be with this man, though. Like out of all the people out there, why does it have to be him?

I remembered Erwin mentioned something like that we have the same situation or whatsoever. But I can't understand why, and I don't have any plans of understanding it, either.

But I don't have a choice, though. I don't know what would happen next after this.

Until now I still can't believe it. Erwin did everything I didn't expect. I was supposed to only join the Survey Corps, not going through a hell hole!

Why am I so unlucky on my previous days? I miss going back on the place where I considered my real home, where I can do anything I wanted to.

Kenny, why did you leave me behind? You need to get me out of this.

After the dinner last night, I was very upset within their personal desicions that I've cursed Levi and Erwin right in front of them. I didn't really care.

But in the end, it was still no use. I was left with no option but to do it. That is how unfair life is.

How about Levi? Oh, he just glared at Erwin's stupid quest for us but still respected his desicion in the end.

I questioned him, like what the fuck wrong with hum? He must be disagreeing with Erwin, not always being on his side! I'm certain that he doesn't want this to happen too, but why did he choose to shut his mouth and do everything Erwin would say?

That's like...being a slave and a puppet for someone. And I hate it.

The wagon stopped in front of an open area. I could see hundreds of scouts either walking or chatting with each other.

I thought rookies were supposed to do activities that would help them to be a true soldier someday. But why are they just loitering around? Are they even scouts or what?

I went down and tightened my braid, then I made sure that the uniform that Erwin gave me yesterday is clean and well buttoned.

Ugh, this feels different. I feel different.

I saw Levi went down at the same time. He arranged his cloak and removed his black jacket to hang it over his shoulder. He looked nice with that outfit, though.

(Y/n), did you know that being a straightforward person will put you in a dangerous state?

Levi glanced at me, perhaps he wants to say something.

"Why don't you join those brats, (y/n)? You're already one of them now. Or... that's what I ought to believe," Levi uttered. he's already on my left side, looking at the scouts then glancing back at me.

"Shorty, tell me, could I seriously talk to strangers and make friends with them when I don't wanted to be here in the first place?" I crossed my arms, cringing at his suggestion.

A memory suddenly crossed my mind. The first time I've ever had a friend. Ilse.

I immediately cleared the thought on mind.

He can't be serious. I may be talkative, but I still need to protect my secret.

How? By seperating myself and making everyone hate me as much as I wanted to be isolated with them.

A Choice with no Regrets (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now