Chapter 20: What Do You See?

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Your Point of View

I finally decided to go up. Not because I am feeling energetic and diligent today, but because Eric forced me to.

It's already in his nature, and I somehow missed it even if I hate someone disturbing my sleep so much.

"(Y/n), wake up! It's time to go!" Eric yelled next to my ear, not caring if my eardrums would be affected.

That time, I didn't bother opening my eyes. Instead, I just placed my pillow using my hand on top of my face, turning around from him.

"Hey, fucking listen to me, you idiot. Get up before Captain Levi get mad at us. You know him, don't you?" He warned, threatening me as if I'll die when I refuse to follow his words.

"Oh, really? I don't care." I sarcastically replied, rolling my eyes.

Is he really thinking that mentioning his name would make me get up?

"Shit, (y/n), we'll really get into trouble if you resist! Fuck!" Eric frustratedly sat on the bedside, not giving up on me.

"Only me. Get down already or else it would be the both of us. Leave me be. I can handle him." I mumbled, covering half of my body with a blanket, hugging my pillow.

I glanced at him. "Leave."

"Believe me! Fucking stand now or we'll be screwd up! I'm not joking anymo-"

A short man, Levi, suddenly appeared in front of my door.

Oh, my. I didn't expect that Eric is that serious with what he just mentioned.

He's fucking right, we will get screwd up. Later, if not now.

"Oi, stand up already, brat. You can continue fucking Eric- your bed, at night. It's too fucking early for that." Levi crossed his arms, seemingly irritated.

Shit, why does he have to remind me about the fucking thingy? I thought he already forgot about that.

Eric froze on his spot. Instead of panicking, he stared at Levi with... hatred? But why?

Oh, how would I forget how much of an overprotective brother he is?

Levi glared back at Eric who is still sitting on my bedside. They stared each other as if they'll die if they were to lose this staring contest.

I peeked a glimpse of them on a hole on my blanket. Would I get up, or not?

It seems like Eric would get in trouble if I continue this. He better not.

I rose up from my bed, sprinting as fast as I could with Eric's hand on mine, even if I'm still not that awake.

I need to get him out of that again, just like what happened on that day all because of my fucking stupidity.

I just wish that Levi won't follow. I don't want any arguements or fights this early.

Ugh, what the fuck? I just realized that it is just morning and this is all I got. What more could happen to me?

I brought Eric to a small room in which our uniforms are in. I need to move fast or else that man will get more mad than ever.

"I told you, (y/n)! You should have woken up earlier than that! Good thing Captain Levi didn't followed us up to here. Let's just hope this wouldn't get any worse." He scolded, not looking at me because I am changing my clothes as fast as I could to change into the Survey Corps'uniform.

"Forgive me, okay? I thought you weren't serious. I just wondered that you were joking so I didn't bother getting up!" I fought in my defense, arranging the harnesses all over my body.

"Oh, I see. So you forgot what Hanji told you last night? That you are involved to this so-called experiments about these two Titans that you giys caught?" Eric reminded, annoyed. I couldn't blame him, I just... uh, didn't take that thing seriously either?

That is where I hit my head. Shit! Hanji is expecting me to join with her experiments. Even if I really don't want to be with that shit, I'm afraid that I would have another shitty, childish arguements with her. That would annoy me even more.

"Shit! Hanji would irritate me to hell! I've got to go!" I yelled at him, running to the door of the room we are in.

I sprinted the moment I was finished braiding my hair and wearing all the stuff that I need, including the Manuever Gear.

I don't care if I would budge onto someone on the hallways or any shit that could happen along my way. I need to know where Hanji might be.

At last, I finally got to reach the main door of the Headquarters. That's where I saw everyone of them on their horses, so I fucking ran again to get mine on the stables.

I didn't get the time to sit properly on my horse, so I fucking almost fell on it. Thank God I didn't.

I saw Eric already lined up with the scouts that are on their horses, ready to go.

Wait, what are we up to?

Shit, I was too busy on the preparation stuff that I didn't know what I am against anymore. Where are we going?

I ride on my horse, approaching the other scouts. Hoo, I am just on time.

"(Y-y/n), what just happened back there? Why are you sweaty and in such a hurry?" Eren asked, who is jist on my right side, riding on his horse.

"Who knows?" I simply replied.

I can't just say that "Oh, I was up late then Levi argue with me, so I fucking stood up and prepared as fast as I could." No, that is just improper. I don't want to embarrass myself, but I am admitting that it's my fault for being like this.

"What are we up with? Where is Hanji?" I curiously asked him, looking forward.

"You don't know? The two that you guys caught were killed by at least two men. We are up to investigate what happened." Eren confusingly answered, looking at me as if he didn't expect that I was innocent on this.


Hanji screamed too damn loudly at the two important experiments that she could've been used to know more about the origin of the Titans.

I couldn't blame her, but the way she acts because the Titans we caught were killed is damn lunatic. Like, why is she crying so bad? We could've just get another one or two to replace them, so she won't be screaming and crying like a baby like what she is acting right now.

Shocks, this is awful.

But speaking of which...why would someone kill valuable things like these? What are their motives?

Is someone... hiding something among us? And what-who could they be?

I was shocked when Erwin suddenly placed his hand on my right shoulder. My thoughts are interrupted.

Hmph, what does he need now?

"What do you see? Who do you think is the enemy?" Erwin seriously asked in a low, almost whispering voice.

What a coincidence. Is it just me or... Erwin is thinking the same thing as me?

"The enemy...? Who knows?" I spoke, stopping halfway for a while.

Why are you asking this, damn eyebrows? Are you planning something insane again? What is it, and why ask me?

I stared at Hanji who is still driving crazy because of those killed Titans.

I continued. "It could be among us, mostly among the trainees from the 104th. It must be someone...someone I want to know who."

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