Not your doll~

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Yandere! Doll! Nightmare x reader.

*thank you for requesting! Again got inspired by Chucky :3 in this reader will be older. I made the art if its there ;3

(There is cursing and gore)

You sat on your bed eyeing the plush dolls you've had forever.

They came as a set, your grandma made them for you out of scratch.

Even if you were a little odd for dolls, in your opinion, you still thanked her.

But the oddest thing is, well you've seen these two skeletons in your dreams and nightmares before..

Did she know? Or was it just a coincidence?

You didn't know, but Nightmare was your favorite, he was softer and overall adorable.

You felt bad for him and his back story when you found out about Dreamtale.

He was so underrated.

You picked up dream and set him on your shelf, then you laid in your bed getting comfortable while cuddling with your little Nightmare.


You woke up to your phone going off, you groaned and picked it up, reading the text.

Hmph.. Looks like your boyfriend was gonna stop by.

You rolled your eyes and set your phone down, why did he have to text at the worst times?

You got out of your bed, you felt something wrapped around your arm, you turn your head and see your doll, he had his tendrils wrapped around your arm.

That's strange.. You think and gently pull him off, then sit him on your bed.

You took off your shirt, then threw on a tank top, then you changed your pants to some torn jeans.

It was fine to change in front of your dolls, they didn't care. They were dolls.

All though in the corner of your eye it looked like your Dream plush was blushing a faded gold.

Must have been your imagination... Right?


"Yeah, I heard that its really good! C'mon we got to watch it!" Your dorky boyfriend says putting the DVD in the player.

You roll your eyes. He was such a dork.

"Uh huh." You reply bored.

"Uh babe? What is that?" He whimpers pointing to the side of the couch.

"What is wh-"? You turn your head and gasp.

There stood your plush Nightmare, he stood next to the couch holding a large wad of stuffing.

Since when could he stand?

And where did that stuffing come from?

" uh.. That's my doll Nightmare." You chuckle nervously and pick him up, bringing him to your chest.

Your boyfriend looks at him funny, then sits next to you, keeping his distance from the doll.

"Ugh. How do you sleep with that thing? Its creepy!"

"No he isn't. He's just a precious little cinnamon roll."

"I beg to differ.. He does not look like no cinnamon roll! Ugh... Why does it-


"-he have tendrils..? " he shutters disgusted.

Your doll turns his head facing bf/n.

".. Why do you have such a dumb a** face? Stop asking questions dip s**t."

"Uh.. Is he programmed to say that?" He asks.

You look at Nightmare, he's facing you once again. "Uh.. No?"

"Foul mouth little frecker." He mumbles and goes to the kitchen.

You sigh and set Nightmare down in the chair next to the couch.

"I'll go get us a blanket okay?"

"Sounds good!"


You went into your room and looked for your favorite blanket.

It was the fuzzy one with a nice shade of f/c.

Then you noticed.. Dream wasn't on the shelf..?

You walked around your bed, your eyes widened.

Dream laid on the floor ripped in half, stuffing everywhere, black ink splotches around him.

"What happened?"

You hear a scream from the kitchen, you give Dream one last sympathetic look, then run out of your room.


When you run into the kitchen, you're greeted with a bloodbath, your boyfriends chest full of knife wounds.


" Amazing isn't it?" You hear a voice say behind you.

You turn your head and gasp.

Nightmare held four knives in his tendrils, blood soaked his clothes.

"You! You did this!"

"Yeah? So what. He wasn't good enough for you. He was a total jackass." Nightmare chuckles.

"So I got rid of him for you. For us."

"What are you talking about!? There isn't an us! You're my doll!"

Nightmare rolls his eye and suddenly morphs into a larger version of himself, clearly not a doll.

He wraps his tendrils around your waist and pulled you to his chest.

"You'll be mine, no matter if you like it or not!"

The last thing you see is his smile before it goes dark.

End? I hope you enjoyed. I really like writing about yandere Nightmare. Its fun. :3

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