Batty little bundle

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Hallow x Pregnant! Reader

*This was requesters second request! Yes, I did them separate.. Meh. In this reader is a vampire too.
May be short~ art by me.

"Hallow! My feet hurt!" You yell.

Hallow yelped and hit his head on the coffee table. "Ow.. Babe please dont yell vwhen I'm under the table."

You puff out your cheeks and glare at him. "Whatever.. Why are you under there for?"

"My candy corn stash is under here.." He mumbles then sits next to you. "Sorry, sweet fang, need anything else?"

You shake your head and lay your feet into his lap, he rolls his eyes and does as told.


You woke up pretty early the next morning, you were glad that Hallow had left the curtains closed.

You ran to the bathroom with one hand over your mouth.

Damn morning sickness.. You sigh.

This kid was gonna kill you..

"Hallow, it happened again."

You hear his slippers tap against the tile floor, he sits behind you and and rubs your back.

"Its alright, sweet fang, it happens."

You were also glad that your hair was short.. (If it isn't pretend please)


After that mess, you flopped on the couch, eating the red of an apple.

Just relaxing until.. It felt like you peed your pants.. Wait a second..

Your water broke.


He almost falls down the stairs and is by your side. "Vwhat? Oh.. Oh cupid.." He quickly picks you up bridal style then runs out of the house.


The ride was bumpy but he kept you out of the sun, he runs into Cupids cottage.

"Code red!" He yells.

Cupid glares at him and takes you into his arms,

Hallow watched as you disappeared behind the wall and into one of Cupids rooms.


"Dude calm down." Coby says tapping on his phone, probably on a dating website..

Hallow glares at him. "Shut up... You'd be the same way if your mate had a baby coming out of her!"

Coby chuckles. "Yeah I won't, cuz that'sss not gonna happen."

(Creator; that's what you think coby, I'm writing about you next.)

The gorgon glares at the ceiling.. "Shut up."

(Creator: no. *smirks*)

"Ugh.. I hate life right now." Coby sighs.

"Who vwere you talking to?" Hallow asks.

He shakes his head. "No one.."

Hallow rolls his eyes and continues pacing.


"Dude. Bro, wake up!" The gorgon slaps him.


"Get up, your babysss here."

Hallow shoves coby out off the way and runs down the hall.

Coby looks at the readers and smirks, knowing a certain fangirl is reading.

He looks away and follows after the worried vampire.


You smile down at your little batty human.

She smiles back, showing her large fangs, Cupid had put her purple hair in pigtails, she had Hallows markings, and your eyes, and his wings.

She was adorable.

She squeals as Cupid hands her a spider plush.

Hallow runs into your room clearly out of breath, "OHMYGLOBISSHEOKAY!? WHATHAPPENED!?"

"Hallow honey, calm down she's fine." You reply and kiss his cheek.

He calms and looks at her, his pupils turn to hearts. "She's.. Perfect.. Great job sweet fang." He kissed your forehead.

Coby leans against the doorway snickering.

"Man, I haven't seen vampy-butt thisss happy since he first ate candy corn. Ssso what's her name?"

You look at Hallow for a second then back to your little bundle of fangs.

"Luna." (I chose a random name that I like)

Coby nods.

Hallow kisses her nose and lifts her slowly out of your arms.

Luna giggles and pokes Hallow's non-nose.

Cupid smiles at you both, writing in his journal.

End. I hope you enjoyed, sorry if this was bad, I wasn't sure what to write. :3

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