Karmas cold maid

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Hi guys. This is my first story so I hope you like it. I'm horrible at writing.
Thank you for reading.

Now back to the story.

(Karma's POV)
I was in my room when my phone rang. It was nagisa. I picked up.
Phone call
"Hey nagisa what's u.."
"KARMA!!!!! I need help.get her as soon as possible. I'm at my house."
"What's going on?"
"I'll tell you when you get here. Hurry"
"Ok I'll be there soon"
Phone call ends
I ran down stairs as soon as possible and grabbed my coat. I ran to my car and drove off. All I could think of is nagisa, is nagisa ok? Is he hurt? What's going on? I made it to nagisa's house. Only to find nagisa jumping in the backseat and yelling at me,"DRIVE.QUICK." I drove off, worrying about everything going on? "Nagisa, what's going on?" I said, obviously worried about him. He sighed in relief and sloughed back,"my mom." He said in a low voice. "What did you do this time?" I grinned. "Well. I didn't do anything, my mom says that I'm the reason dad left!"he said in a sad voice. "Stay with me for a bit." I smiled. "Ok." He laughed. We finally got to my place after what felt like an eternity. I unlocked the door and let nagisa in, taking of our coats.
"I'll go change" I walked upstairs to chand my wet, cold clothes.
(Nagisa's POV)

I watched as karma went upstairs. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. I looked at the small spaces around me and saw something I did not believe, it was my school supplies next to karmas. I haven't seen them since school ended for the weekend. The next thing I saw was karma, in front of me, holding some spare clothes in his hand. He dropped them on my head and smiled. "Change in these. You'll get sick if you stay in those." I looked down and realised how wet my clothes were. "The bathrooms over their." I went to change in the bathroom. I put on the clothes and yelled, "KARMA!!!!!!!!!"

I ran out and straight to karma. He sat there smirking and chuckling. "WHY AM I IN A MAIDS DRESS!!!!!!" I yelled. Karma said nothing. There was a long silence between us. I blinked, and it must have been a long time, when I opened my eyes I was on karmas lap. I squealed a little and stared at him in shock and tried to get off. He started holding me tighter. I stared at him as he put his hand beside him and grabbed a soft blanket. He then sat me next to him and pulled the blanket over us. He then broke the long silence and smiled "how about a movie?" I stared at him and then answered, "sure." I smiled back and we started looking through movies, trying to pick out the perfect one for tonight. I cuddled up to home and we finally picked one out. We watched the movie together. Well, not really, most of the movie we were laying on the couch ready to fall asleep.

Hi guys, that was my story. It was short and pretty bad so leave a comment on what I should write next and maybe telling me how I can improve my writing skills. Thank you for reading.

Word count 577
Bye coconut dorks 😄

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