Class Fun

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No. No. No. NO. Why did they pick this, of all things in the word. It had this. Karma is soooooo dead. Why would he make me do this? Why? Common karma, seriously? I walked into the bathroom stall and began to get undressed. I sigh and grab the hair bands out of my hair. My hair fell down, covering my neck. I carried on taking of my clothes. I looked up, trying to hope no one would recognise me. I crossed my fingers, prepared of what was coming. I pushed my hair back so it wasn't covering my face.

I put on the revealing clothes karma gave me and walked out of the stall. I looked in the mirror and sighed again. I looked at the clothes one last time before finally leaving the bathroom. I hated wearing skirts, but it is a dare. I'll have to deal with it. I began to giggle halfway down the hall, remembering the 'unexpected guest' at the sleepover. He was dared to wear booty shorts and a tank top to school. He excepted the challenge. I opened to door to the classroom and saw what I expected. Asano in those funny clothes.

I giggled, finally walking in. Karma looked at me and smiled. I walked over to him and giggled quite a lot. I was giggly ok. I sighed, Koro~sensei walking in shortly after. He glanced in my direction, than to Asano. Karma smirked, waving his hand to Koro~sensei. I glared at him, than walked to my seat. I sat down and looked at her. I smiled at her and looked down. I hadn't really paid attention to what I was wearing. I was in a maids dress. I squirmed uncomfortably and glared at karma once more before looking ahead.

After class, Koro~sensei flew out the window to buy something from god knows where. I sighed and waited for students to leave. Finally, it was just me and karma. He had fallen asleep in class and no one woke him. I walked over to him and pulled up a chair in front of him. I placed my head on my arms than put them on his desk in front of him. I rested my chin on my arms, staring at Karmas sleeping face. I blushed and kissed him lightly on the head. I giggled to myself. He's so cute.

I was tapped awake, seeing karma before me. I looked up, my tired eyes catching his. He smiled at me, softly saying, "class will start soon." I slowly began to stand up and I walked to my desk. I was tired. I placed my head on my desk and waited. About five minutes later all the students began poring through the door.we waited a while before professor bitch came in and sat on the front desk. We stared at her, waiting to be thought random, boring stuff. I glared at her as she slightly jumped a little, I giggled slightly.

After school I did my normal routine. I waited outside the classroom and waited for karma to come out. He took a while, like usual, but eventually walked out. I looked at him awkwardly, hoping to forget the maids dress. Unfortunately, he didn't. I sighed. He took my hand in his soft hand. I looked up into his bright amber eyes. He bent down and placed his lips on mine. My face began to heat up. He moved back and smiled down at me. The blush on my face got deeper and covered the rest of my face. I sighed.

He smiled down at me and pulled me with him. I snapped out of my daze when I realised that he was tugging on my arm. We began walking towards his place, stopping time after time for a hug. I blushed and looked up at Karmas regular, smirking face. I stood on my toes and kissed him on the cheek. His smile grew wider and a small blush crept on to his face. I giggled, having never seen karma blush. I hugged him tight and we carried on. We saw his house from a distance and we walked towards it.

We walked up the stone steps and walked to Karmas front door. He began to unlock it after letting go of my hand. He pushed the heavy, wooden door open, the wind flying past us filled the room. His house was quite big. I walked in after him as he shut the door behind me. He took my Hand and smiled at me. I placed my hands around his neck, his hands finding its way to my waist. I blush at the sudden touch. I leaned up, kissing him gently on the lips. he deepened the kiss, hugging me tightly.

Karma let go and took my hands. I looked at him, confused in his next move. He flipped up the skirt. My face turned red and I put my hands near my thighs to keep th skirt down. He used that as an advantage to pick me up. He took me to the couch and placed me down. We sat up and cuddled for a bit. He turned the TV on and put on a movie. I didn't see what movie it was, but I watched it and liked it. I kissed Karma one last time before finally drifting off.

Hey. I hope you liked it. I am staying up late tonight 11:00 right now. This story is hard work. If you liked it than please vote me and comment on what story will be next. Nothing left part 4 I can guarantee you that it will be out soon. Trust me. Please read up until I end this story. That might be awhile depending on your decisions. Thank you so much for reading this far in, it means a lot. And I just need to say YOU ARE AMAZING GUYS, THANK YOU.

Word count 1000

Bye coconut dorks❤️

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