Nothing left (part4)

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He jumped and was about to move. I threw a knife at the masked male before me. He tripped, falling down a few seconds after. I walked toward him, hand in my pocket, and kicked him. I grabbed the rope in my backpack and tied his hands and feet. I knelt down in front of him. I pulled the mask of and as expected, it was Asano. He was still in the maids dress and was blushing a lot. I giggled than unzipped my bag. I kept it next to me. I lifted his chin up and whispered, "stay still."

Nagisa ran through the door and froze. "Karma, what are you doing." I looked at him, my usual grin there. I had stuck seed of a ghost pepper and chilly up his nose and his mouth duct taped. He giggled and walked towards me. He took my hand and pulled me up. I looked at him in confusion. "Karma, the police are on there way. We should leave." I smiled and nodded, grabbing my bag and throwing it over my shoulder. I took Nagisa's hand in mine and smirked slightly. He giggled and we exited the room Asano was in.

We walked to Nagisa's house, hand in hand and a smile on our faces. We walked inside and sat on the couch. We heard the front door swing open. Nagisas mom came running in. She looked at Nagisa, tears in her eyes. She hugged Nagisa tightly and was saying something, but I couldn't hear. Nagisa giggled and moved away. His mom ran out the front door. Confusion filled my body. I sighed and grabbed Nagisa's arm. I pulled him on my lap. I kissed his neck, making him giggle more. I grabbed his hips and pulled him a little closer.

He put his hands around my neck and giggled a little more. I kissed him. He pulled away and bit his bottom lip. I cuddled him a little until we finally ended up falling asleep.

Hey guys. I hope you liked it. This is the end of nothing left. I worked hard on this, I stayed up late writing the whole story. You read so far in I'm proud of you. If you liked it please vote me. Give me ideas for a new story. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story ahead of you.

Word count 403
Bye coconut dorks❤️

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