CHAPTER 21 [now we dance]

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We get to Megan's house and instantly I begin to feel nervous. I clutch onto Mollys arm as we walk closer to the door. The sound of music is already too much for me to bare as I hear it pumping through the walls of the house. "Relax" Molly says, I nod slightly as we walk in. I get hit with a strong smell of alcohol. Sweaty teenegers dance on each other and with each other. Ones wearing white are seen hooking up in corner with others in white. I feel my stomach go funny and I already know I don't belong here, "dont worry, just stay with me" Molly shouts in my ears because if she just spoke I wouldn't hear her. "Where is everyone" I ask her, really wanting to know where Jack is, "I don't know" she says. In a few seconds Tess struts her way over to us dressed in white, "hey" she screams holding a bottle in her hand, how is she already wasted?

I keep looking around to see if I can spot Jack amoungst the endless crowds of teens. "I see you dressed to impress" Tess shouts, "yeah, of course" Molly says, "I didn't know you had a love life" Tess shouts at me, I look down to my dress awkwardly, "yeah it's complicated" I say, "I can tell" she says, she comes closer to my ear, "you are wearing grey after all" she shouts, I nod my head slightly and she turns her attention back on Molly, "any guys you're looking for tonight" she asks her, "I have a few victims" Molly laughs, "ahh, well I'm going to go and get more drinks" Tess slurs, I roll my eyes, "see ya'll later" she says blowing us a kiss and stumbling off into the crowds. "I'm going to get a drink want one" Molly asks me, "sure, not too much" I say, "stay here I'll be right back" Molly says weaving her way through wasted teens. I look around instantly feeling panicked when she left my side for someone, anyone, that I could speak to so I don't look like an idiot waiting here by myself.

I decide to walk into the crowds and find my way to a room where people are either passed out or making out on the sofas. I roll my eyes and turn around to walk out when I bump into someone. Someone I haven't spoke to in a while. Daniel. "Sorry" I shout, he looks at me up and down then meets my eyes again looking confused, "what are you doing here" he says, "I was invited" I say confused, "you look good" he shouts, I smile a little, "thanks" I say, "you're wearing grey" he says, "you're wearing white" I say back to him like we're stating the obvious, "well, I am single" Daniel says, I nod. "Jack's back there" he says rolling his eyes and barging past me. Well, that was odd?

I walk in the direction Daniel was pointing at to see if I could see Jack. Still no sign of him. I did however find Molly, with two drinks in her hands. "This one's yours" she shouts giving me one, I take it and smile. "Hello trouble" we hear and instantly Molly rolls her eyes in disgust, I laugh as I see Zach's head pop out from behind her, he's wearing white too. He's wearing white ripped jeans with black shoes and a white Adidas top, very single. "I will talk to you when I have had a few more of these" Molly says downing her drink, I laugh whereas Zach opens his mouth in astonishment. "Another one lads" Molly says walking back to get another drink. "I see you didn't wear black" Zach says over the sound of ridiculously loud music, "yeah, you seen Jack" I ask, "last time I saw him he was in the kithcen raiding the drinks, wanna come with" Zach shouts, I shrug and follow him into the kitchen.

I see Molly has been pulled into a drinking game, she's doing shots after shots with some boys. "she's going to get drunk easily tonight" I shout to Zach as I take a sip of my drink, "do think she'll talk to me?" he asks, I smile a little, "she will if she's drunk enough" we both laugh. I don't see Jack in the kitchen, I haven't seen him at all, which is surprising. From what I've been told Jack is a wild party animal, I'm surprised I haven't heard him before I've seen him. There was a huge crash that caused a few people to scream. "Shit what was that" I say, "didn't sound good" Zach shouts, some people run into the lounge whereas the others stay to drink. Fuck it, I say to myself as I down my drink and go and get another one before going back over to Molly. I tap her shoulder and she turns around, slighty slurring her words, "if Zach touches me tonight, he will get slapped" she says, I laugh at her and she looks at me confused, "Jonah give me another shot" she says turning to face him. He was already holding a shot that she took straight from his hand.

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