CHAPTER 31 [disowned]

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I wake up in the morning with the worst head ache ever. I feel terrible, like I'm going to throw up. This is the worst hangover I've had. Last night was a messy night. There was arguments, fights and I had sex with Jack for the first time. That was probably the only good thing that happened last night. I just hope Jacks eye is okay now since he did get punched right in the face from getting into a fight. Like I said, last night was a messy night, very messy. I try to pull myself out of bed. I have no idea what time I got in last night but I know it was really late. As soon as I stand up I get sharp pain my stomach and I rush to the toilet. I instantly throw up and I feel like crap. Yup, definately the worst hangover I've had if I've threw up. I clean myself up and walk down stairs. After 10 minutes or so I feel a little bit better since I can now stand and walk fine without feeling uncomfortable. But, I do feel a little sore from Jack.

As I walk downstairs I see my mum sitting on one of the stool in the kitchen looking a little agitated. "Morning mum" I say to her, she looks at me and she looks..angry? "morning, how are you feeling" she asks, I'm honest with her, "I'm feeling a little bit sick" I say whilst trning on the coffee machine. "What time you get back last night" she asks, "erm, I don't know, not that late" I lie, "okay Grace we need to talk" she says, "okay" I say, "I know you were back late last night, and I know you came back drunk because you and Molly woke me up screaming and laughing" she says, "Molly didn't come back here last night" I say, feeling pretty sure about my self, "see you were that drunk that you don't even remember I thought I told you not to drink last night" she says raising her voice, "mum I'm sorry" I say trying to sort this, "no, I don't want to hear your apoligies, you are a mess, look at you, you're hungover" she says, "mum I'm fine, I just feel a bi..." I barely get out before getting cut off, "no, I don't want you to turn into your brother, you saw how bad it got, I don't want you to become a drunk" she shouts, "mum, I'm not Spencer okay, I'm not going to throw my life away to drink and party" I shout a little more than intended, "you've already done that to your self" she shouts, "look at you Grace for gods sake, you are not going to any of them fucking parties ever again, and you're going to stop seeing Molly since she has dragged you into this" she says trying to walk away, "you cannot stop my from seeing my family mum, Molly is one of the only people I have, you cannot tell me what to do, I'm not a little girl anymore" I shout, getting angrier by the minute, "well I don't care, as long as you live under my roof, you do what I say" she says, "but mum..." I try to get out, "no, thats final Grace, get up to your room, you aren't leaving the house at all today and when school is over you come straight home, you're not going out at all during the summer" she shouts, "might as well lock me up" I mumble, "don't say another word, god, your dad would be so disappointed in you" she scoffs.

Fire burns in my stomach as she mentions my dad and I completely explode, "the last time you said, you made me take away someone from my life that was the best thing that ever happened to me, Jack was so amazing, and I'm so glad that he is in my life because he helps me through everything whereas you look over it as nothing" I say, not reaslising what I said. I just told my mum Jack was still in my life. For gods sake. That's it, everything is finished. I regret everything I say. I might as well disappear righ thtere and then. "That's it, you're leaving to live with Spencer, I knew you couldn't take Jack out of your life, he's been the guy getting you into these parties isn't he, that boy is the worst thing for you, I am so disapointed in you, where has my daughter gone" she shouts, slighlty scaring me as tears start to form in my eyes, "Jack is the best thing that has ever happened to me" I scream amongst tears spilling from my eyes, "his family ruined our lives, his sister completely destroyed Spencer, that slag" my mum shouts, "you don't know anything mum, Sydnie is one the nicest people I have ever met" I say trying to defend her since I have nothing left to loose, "don't tell me you've been involved with that enitre family now" she shouts, "I don't ever want to see your face again, you are not my daughter" she says, "mum" I cry out, "no, get your stuff and leave, I don't ever want to see you again, and when you come crawling back to me because Jack broke your heart, the door is going to slammed in your face" she says, "mum you can't do that" I cry, "I sure as hell can" she says, "I can't stand to look at you, if you want to get ruined by that dreadful family, then you, you are not my daughter" she says walking out the kitchen.

My heart breaks there and then. I stand there still thinking about every single word that just came out of my mouth. Instead of crying, I don't move. I cant move. I didn't mean to even mutter Jacks name in that entire thing let alone confess to my mum that he's the best thing that ever happened to me. I've lost this family. My mum is never going to forgive me, Spencer is going to hate me. Everyone in this family is never going to look at me the same ever again. I might as well just leave and never look back. Like my mum, she can't bear to look at me I might as well just leave. Where am I suppose to go. She's kicked me out, she has completely disowned me. There's only one place I can go, but it might not be the right option. Only one thing is going through my mind right now and the only I want to do is see Jack. There's no way I can fix any of this now, I might as well just stay with Jack. I want to be with him but I didn't want it to happen like this. I wanted my family to finally accept him and welcome him into our family. But now, I see that was never going to happen and I was living in a fantasy.

I break myself out of thought and run upstairs into my room. I throw on some clothes and grab a back pack. I shove several t-shirts and a pair or two of jeans in there as well as a jumper. I grab my phone and charger and shove my hair up. I splash my face with water to try and calm myself down. I take a deep breath. There's one person I have to speak to right now before I do anthing more. I walk out my room and go to Elliotts room next to mine. It's slightly open so I walk in and  I see him crying in the corner, with his knees up to his chest. "Elliott hey, what's wrong" I say rushing over to him and pulling him onto my lap, "you and mummy were fighting again" he says, I feel a tear roll my face as he cries into my chest. Seeing him like this hurt me, to think i made this happen killed me inside. I hold him close for a minture before speaking, "look Elliott, I'm going to be gone for a while" I say to him,"you'll see me again, I'm not going to forever, just know I love you" I say, "where are you going" he asks through sniffs, "that doesn't matter" I say smiling trying to show myself as strong for him although, he probably sees I'm breaking. "Okay, I love you Elliott" I kiss him on his head, "I love you too" he says. I hug him one last time before lesving the room. I go back into mine ans grab my bag and the skateboard.

I rush downstairs and storm out the door without my mum seeing and speed off on the skateboard. I needed to get out of there. I couldn't stand being in that house much. I don't even bother to look back, I know I'm not going to see the inside of that house again for a while and it hurts but I cant help it. My mum has disowned me, everything is done.

My skateboard takes me to Jacks house. I don't know what I'm suppose to say. I walk up to his door and take a deep breath before knocking. I knock twice and wait for it open. It feels like hours I'm waiting and every second makes me more anxious. "Yes I'm answering it okay" I hear Jack shout from the other side. My heart starts beating out my chest as I stand there with tears brewing my eyes. The door swings open and Jack face drops when he sees me, "I had no where else to go" I cry. He pulls me into a hug as I slowly start to sink to the floor. Me and Jack sit on the porch hugging whilst I cry more and more into his chest. "Mum" I hear Jack shouts, she comes rushing to the door. "Please" he says, "it's Grace" he says, "bring her in, quick" she says  instantly. Jack picks up and takes me inside, sitting me down on the sofa.

After a few minutes of silence I finally look around at my surroundings to see Jacks mum and Sydnie starring down at me as Jack pulls me close to him of the sofa. "I'm so sorry" I say slightly moving away from Jack, "I didn't mean to just come here, I don't expect you to do anything, I'm sorry, err I'll leave" I say trying to stand. "Sweetie look, you clearly need help just stay" his mum says placing her hand on my shoulder, I nod and sit back down. I don't know what I'm suppose to do now. "Okay mum, lets leave these two to talk" I hear Sydnie say. "Sure" his mum says as they leave the lounge, "thank you" I say before they leave, they both nod slightly with a smile as they leave me and Jack sitting alone on the couch.

"I didn't mean to show up unannounced" I say as I wipe my tears, "it's fine Gracie, everything is fine, do you want to talk about it" he asks, I don't really want to but I feel like he should know. "erm, me and my mum got into an argument, and she knows about you, she told me to leave, and she..." I say cracking at every word, pushing through the few tears that have spilt down my face from speaking. Jack pulls me into a tighter hug, "it's fine, we can talk later if you need to, you don't need to tell me everything now" he says as he kisses me on the head and rubs circles into my back. "Thank you" I say, "anything for you princess" he says. A small smile creeps its way onto my face by hearing those words.

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