CHAPTER 22 [come in]

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Midnight strikes and everyone is completely drunk, "I need to go home" Jack says flopping onto  a lounge seat, I laugh as I sit on top of him. He instantly wraps his arms around me. The others join us around the area but not being able to sit down because it is packed, so they take the floor. Daniel is sill not with us. "Okay we're off" Christina says standing up with Corbyn, "but how are going to get home" I asked, "Corbyn's coming mine, parents are out of town so we're getting a cab" she says, Corbyn smirks as he puts her arm around her, "bye guys" he smiles as they walk out of the boooming house. "And then there were five" Jonah says, "where's Daniel" I ask, "probably talking to a girl" Jonah shrugs, I don't say anything, I just give him a small nod. I turn to face Jack and find him alseep with his mouth open, his arms still securely wrapped around me. "Okay, I think Jack really does need to get home" I laugh, "I wanna get home" Molly raises her hand, "stay and party with me trouble" Zach says, "maybe if you get me another drink" Molly looks at him, and as if he was being possessed he got up and went to get another drink. I laugh, "you've really turned him into your own lapdog haven't you" I say, "hey, he's good in bed, what can I say" she shrugs. Jonah's mouth drops open and I squint my eyes in disgust.

After a few minutes Zach comes back with around 4 drinks and passes them out to all of us keeping one for himself, he goes to give one to Jonah when he stops him, "sorry mate, I drank when I got here then I've been on water, incase you forgot I'm the driver tonight" he says, "fine by me I'll have two" Molly says taking the other drink out Zachs hand. We all laugh. I turn to look at Jack who is still fast asleep. "If you're driving Jonah, mind if you take Jack home" I say, "I'm supposed to be taking all of these idiots home, but I don't think Jack will be happy when he opens his eyes and sees you're not with him" Jonah says, "I can't take Jack home" I say, "what why" Jonah asks, I guess he doesn't know. "His family, they don't really like me" I say, "Jack said his mum was out of town, only his sisters are home" Jonah says, "I don't know" I say, "oh for gods sake Grace, take your little boyfriend home will ya" Molly says, "he's not my boyfriend" I roll my eyes, I look back at Jonah and shrug, "fine" I say, "now help me get him up" I ask whilst prying myself away from Jack. "Well, don't mind us we're going to look for somewhere more private" Molly says dragging Zach up and disapearing into the crowds.

After getting Jack up, he wakes up, "what's going on" he mumbles, "we're taking your drunk ass home" Jonah says, "grandpa Jonah, always making me do the boring thing" Jack moans, "oh shut up" Jonah laughs, as we walk closer to the door Jonah stops. "What" I say, "I can't leave Daniel here alone" he says, "he has Zach" I say, "I don't think he's looking for a threesome" Jonah laughs, "he doesn't like me, he hates me" I say, "looking, he'll just be in the car on the way there, that's all" he says, I roll my eyes in defeat, "just hurry up and find him" I say, Jonah smiles and lets go of Jack who, now puts his full wieght on me, "okay Jack, I'm a little human, please try ad stand up" I say pushing him up straight, "don't worry princess, you're my baby girl" he says trying to straighten himself. I roll my eyes, "okay Jack, just don't kill me" I say as he still leans against me a little, "hey, you should be my person to lean on" he slurs, all I do is laugh. I look up and see Daniel followed by Jonah. "For god sake Jack" Daniel says throwing his arm around him holding Jack up, I do the same on the other side as we walk out. Jonah unlocks the car and we get in. I get thrown with Jack in the back and Daniel takes the passenger seat to avoid any awkwardness between us.

When we finally pull up to Jacks house my stomach goes funny, Jonah gets out the car to help me get Jack out. When we finally have him out Jack bares his weight onto us otherwise he wouldn't be walking, as we walk up the drive I start to get nervous. I look over back to Daniel who is still in the car and he stares right at me. I look down, "Jonah, I can't take him in" I say worried, "look, most likely Sydnie will open the door, she'll let me in, if you have to go back to the car and I'll take Jack up to his room and come straight back down to drop you off" he says, "are you sure" I ask, "if you feel like you can't go inside to help me, then yes" he smiles at me. I smile. I hadn't seen what such a nice person Jonah was until tonight. Sure he can be a little bit salty and reckless but overall he's an amazing friend and the best person you could ask for to take care of you whilst you're drunk. Jonah knocks on the door and within a few seconds it opens. Sydnie stands wide eyed. She turns her head to look at me and she looks more worried than shocked.

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