CHAPTER 36 [i think]

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I'm standing in an airport refusing to let and tears spill down my face and I hug Molly tightly. "I'm going to miss you so much Mols" I say slowly to avoid crying, "I'm going to miss you too Grace" she says as she pulls away. I look into her eyes and they become glossy. She's hugged all of us goodbye. All but Zach. Zach is standing there looking down to the floor as he fiddles with his fingers. Molly takes a deep breath before she looks at Zach. She places her hand on his shoulder and he finally looks up to meet her eyes. He pull her quickly into a hug. Jack puts his arm around me, making sure I was okay as they hug. When they pull away I see that Mollys eyes are seconds away from spilling out. She takes a deep breath and look up before she speaks to try and clear her eyes. Zach still hasn't spoken and he looks as thought he's slowly breaking. "Zach, I love you, as long as it has taken me to realise it, I do, and I will see you very soon, I'll talk to you everyday and I promise that I won't push you away" she says to him, "I love you so much" Zach says as he pulls her into a kiss.

A tear spill from my eye as my heart breaks watching them together. Jack hugs me tighter and my head rests on his chest but still looking at Molly and Zach. When they pull away from the kiss neither of them is crying but Molly looks so close I think she just might. That's the thing about Molly. She is so strong. I never see her cry. She puts up a strong front. She's going to miss Zach and being away from him is going to hurt her. But I'm glad she's trying to make it work. "I promised myself I wasn't gonna cry" Molly weakly laughs. "You can cry trouble" Zach says as he places his hand to cup Mollys cheek. I smile as her cheeks turn red. A small tear slips from her eyes and she wipes it so quickly that Zach couldn't even have the chance.

After a few minutes Molly finally leaves us, "if I don't go now I'm going to miss my flight" she laughs slightly, "Jack please be a good boy to my Grace, grandpa Jonah I'm sure you'll be just fine looking after the kids, Daniel you'll find that girl soon and Corbyn love Christina with all you have, Grace I love you with everything and you know I'm always going to be here, and please Zach for the love of god, please do not do anything stupid I'm going to have to moan at you for" she says, we all laugh a little, "I promise trouble" he smiles, he kisses her one last time, "I love you" he says, "I love you too" Molly smiles, "I love you all, goodbye guys" she says, "goodbye Molly" I get out before she gives me one last hug. She walks away to her gate, "do you think she's going to look back" Corbyn asks, "no, that's not Molly" I say as we all watch her walk into her gate and leave us there standing with only the company of each other. Zach starts to tear up as we all pull him into a group hug. "We'll see her soon guys, don't worry" Jonah says making us feel better. "It's going to be wierd" Daniel says as we pull away, "I know it will" I say as I stare at the gate Molly had just disappeared into.

As me and Jack go back to his house we hear shouting before his house was even in sight. I look up at Jack and he looks panicked as I think I just heard his mum raising her voice. We run a little to his house and his mum and someone else shouting at the door. From behind they look familiar and my heart sinks when I realise who it is. I grasp Jacks arm as he was go and stop the argument. "It's my mum Jack" I say to him, he looks down at me more sad that worried. I take it upon myself to break up the arguing, "your sons is toxic for my daughter" I hear my mum scream, "my son never did anything to hurt you or your family" Jacks mum shouts back. "Mum" I scream getting her attention. She quickly swings her body around to face me. Fire practically burns in her eyes as she sees Jack holding my hand. Jack quickly removed his hand and takes a step back as my mum charges forward. "You should have fucking stayed away from my daughter" my mum says in a nasty tone as she points at Jack. I stand in between them stopping her from getting closer. I see Jacks mum quickly walk out the house, "stay away from my son" I hear her shout. "Mum, it's okay" I hear Jack says from behind me.

My mum turns around to face Jacks mum again and I start to panic. My mum has never gotten physical but she's gotten mad and she's always said something bad. "I don't want my daughter any where near this family ever again" my mum spits out, "our family has welcomed her with open arms and we love her" she says, "bullshit, you just want to ruin her just like you did Spencer" my mum spits out, "please mum" I plead, she faces me, "you, you don't know what has been happening these past 2 weeks, your brother has completely gone off the rails, you're coming home" my mum says as she grabs my wrist hard and starts to pull me down he drive. Jack tries to stop her, "Jack please don't" I say to him, "no she can't treat you this way" Jack says getting angry, "you cannot tell me how I treat my daughter, you're just a boy, a boy that will ruin her and I'm not letting that happen" my mum shouts at Jack. Jack is held back by his mum as she scowls at mine. "You have no idea how much I care for your daughter" Jack says, "oh please, like I'm going to believe you want what's best for her" my mums spits out.

Jack opens his mouth to speak but I stop him before he gets the chance, "Mum you told me to leave, you said you never wanted to see me again, why are you coming for me now" I cry, "you are my daughter, Spencer has gone downhill again because of you, I'm not letting this family do the same hing to you as they did Spencer, you're coming home to pack then we're leaving for La on Saturday" my mum says and my hearts stops a bit. LA. She can't make me move to La. I turn to face Jack and his expression is more heartbroken than what was once angry. "You can't make me go" I cry a little more quiet than before, "I'm getting you away from this family, you do what I say" my mum scowls at me. She drags me further down the street as I look back at Jack. "Grace I'm sorry" he shouts at me. His mum holds him close as the rest of the girls join them in a huddle on the front of their house. Tears stream down my face as I'm being pulled back to my house.

There's nothing I can do to get away. My mum is holding me too tight to break the contact. My heart aches as I see Jack break at the sight of me leaving. everything that was good in my life is now gone. Vanished. I never wanted to admit it but...I think I love him.

One my mum pulls me into my house she throws her keys down hard on the table as she marches into the kitchen with fury in her eyes. With tears streaming down my face I run after her, "mum please you can't do this" I cry, "I can do whatever I want, you are not seeing that boy ever again" she shouts, "god, if I would have just moved us to La after your father died none of this would have happened" my mum says lowering her voice as though she was speaking to herself, "mum please" I cry, "your uncle called me from LA yesterday morning, your brother was found passed out in is bedroom along side a bottle of empty pills" my mum shouts, I cry more and more. "You did this to him, he was fine, since you got involved with that family, he's gone back to it" my mum says as her eyes become glossy. "I didn't do this" I cry out loud, "it is your fault" my mum points at me with anger as she begins to walk out the kitchen, I stop her, "I love him mum" I scream for the first time. My tears stop and my hearts starts beating heavier. "Do you really think he loves you" my mum scoffs, "he just wants to ruin you" she says, "before you know it, you'll be exactly like your brother" my mum says, my tears start again and they refuse to stop. "That's not going to happen" I say, "of course it is, it always happens like that with that family" my mum says, "get some stuff ready, we're leaving in three days" my mum says as she leaves me alone in the kitchen once again.

I'm left alone again. This time my tears come more and more and my face is stained. I'm sure my make up has completely washed off and the pain I feel in my heart is becoming too much to bare. The way I feel about Jack is completely new and scary. I didn't know I could love another human as much as I do. We can tell each other everything and even after a hard day he's always there to hold me when I need it. He's helped me through a lot and in the short amount of time we've actually spent together I've fell harder than I thought was possible. I've fell so hard it's left bruises. Not physical ones but I have been hurt. However, I've chosen to push through it because I do love him. It's because I love him that I've stayed. It's because I love him that my mum has become the way she is. I never meant to hurt her as well as Spencer. Spencer needs help. If he's gone back to drugs then that only means it's going to get worse from here. If I allow myself to continue loving Jack the way I do then my brother could end up dead. I know he hates me right now but he's my blood. My older brother. If I lost him I don't know what I'd do. If my mum lost him she'd be broken. I love Jack, I do. And that's never going to change. But I might have to pretend it has for the good of my family.

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