Chapter Five

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I'm out of the orphanage!! Yay!! They have found my auntie, Rose and I am now living with her! It's great here, she is really kind and funny. I only just met her two days ago but we already get on so well with each other!!

Right now I was using on the computer in the hall while Rose was in the kitchen making dinner. Well actually, I was trying to use the computer in the hall. I continued to poke buttons on the keyboard, trying to make it turn on. I saw a big round button above the keyboard and I pressed it and the computer screen instantly light up. "YAY!" I thought to myself. I kept on clicking random things, trying to open Internet Explorer or something like that was what Rose told me to open.

After around 10 minutes of trying to find this, Internet Explorer, I stumbled upon it and clicked on it with the mouse. It opened and went to a page named 'Google'. I typed in: 'Meeting New Friends' and waited for it to load.

I clicked on the first website that came up. I read the description of it and found out that you can use it to find new friends or talk about your problems ex: arguments at home,  just had a break up with your boyfriend...etc

I thought it looked interesting so I clicked on 'Sign Up' and it bought up a page for me to fill in with my details. I began filling it in:

First Name: Clover

Last Name: Hanks

Age: 20

Country (Born in): England

Description of self and appearance: I have long straight blond hair and big deep blue eyes. I am 5'6. I am a bubbly and funny person.

Problems: I have had a bad childhood and I have been rejected by my parents.

I know some people would think it weird for me putting all my private things onto an online blog, but its not like I put everything in there, I just gave little hints. No one on this website ACTUALLY knows me so... who cares? I clicked 'Save' and it bought me to my new profile page. All of a sudden, a little white box popped up on the screen with me in the middle of it and on the top it said 'Take A Profile Picture' I had no makeup on and I didn't look the greatest but oh well, I thought as I clicked the take photo button and it began to countdown from 3. I smiled at the camera and freezed, waiting for it to take the picture. A couple of seconds later, the picture popped up on my profile page, at the top, next to my name. I smiled at it just as Rose began calling me.

"Clover!!! Clooooover!! Dinner is ready!" She screamed at me, from the kitchen. My tummy grumbled at that moment and I smiled at how ironic that was.

"Coming Rose!!!" I screamed back to her. I turned back to the computer and shut it down. Once it had fully turned off, I got up from my chair and strolled into the kitchen, humming to myself.

"Your dinner is on the side" Rose said to me, pointing to the kitchen counter next to the stove while she ate her dinner, sitting at the table. I walked over and picked it up, putting some salt and pepper on it which were by the back of the kitchen counter. I walked over to the table, dinner in arms and sat down. It was spaghetti bolognesse, yum my favourite!! No sarcasm intended. I tucked in straight away, seeing as I was starving hungry and let the warm food, slowly go down my throat.


30 Minutes Later (After Dinner)

"That was delicious!" I smiled happily at my newly found aunt. "Thank you for dinner"

"Your very welcome" She replied happily. I stood up and collected mine and her plates and put them into the dishwasher, to be turned on later.

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