The One That Almost Got Away IV (Conclusion)

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"Cathy, baby. I need you to come out." I said as Opie walked up to the bathroom door with a question in his eyes and a brow raised. I lifted my hand, asking for his patience.

"No. I'm huge, Jax. Your sons have made me a whale and I refuse to be seen looking like it. Just tell them all to go away." She responded and I ran a hand over my face. Cathy was pregnant with our boys, who we'd decided to name Austin Michael and Thomas Nathaniel, and within a month or so of her due date. Our wedding guests were outside, waiting for the festivities to begin, but Cathy was holed up in the women's room and refusing to come out. Opie smiled and then nodded toward the door.

"I got this." He whispered and I nodded. He and Cathy had remained good friends and were great at co-parenting Cheyenne. He was probably the best person to talk her down from the ledge, too.

"Cathy?" Opie called out and she responded.

"What Opie?" She asked.

"You're not a whale and you're not huge. You're glowing and it's all because you're in love with Jax. Don't you want to show the whole world that?" He asked and I could hear movement on the other side of the door. Cathy was getting closer to opening it. I rolled my hand at Opie, telling him to keep going.

"But, I don't look like I did when he asked me to marry him, Ope." Cathy protested and my heart ached at the hurt in her voice. She was fucking beautiful, but she was in there doubting herself.

"No, you don't. You're carrying his boys and looking like a fucking goddess doing it." Opie said with a grin toward me and I nodded my thanks. "Now, quit being a fucking girl and get out here and tell your man you still want him." He challenged her and I heard the door unlock and smiled at Opie before turning back to the door to see Cathy there.

"Of course, I still want you." Cathy said and I pulled her into my arms. I kissed her, trying to put as much assurance as I possibly could into it.

"Then come marry me." I said against her mouth and she nodded.

"Okay." She said with a smile and I turned to Opie.

"You get her down that damn aisle." I demanded and his eyes twinkled as he nodded.

"Will do."

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