A Happy Circumstance - I

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Happy POV

"You've been quieter than usual, brother." Kozik noted as he sidled up to me at the bar. I grunted, but didn't say anything. He grinned in response as he took a swig of his beer. "You're just proving my point, Happy." He said as I lifted my pint. I still didn't respond, not that Kozik would have really expected me to; he's known me long enough to know better.

I was surprised that he'd noticed my change in behavior, though I really shouldn't have been. When you've ridden with someone long enough, you start to develop a sense for his moods, even if you don't know the reasons for them. As I drank my beer in silence, I thought about why I'd been such a reclusive asshole lately.

I'd met Debi at the convenience store of a gas station, of all places. Like a scene from a fucking romantic comedy that chicks love watching, we'd quite literally bumped into one another coming around a corner. While my normal reaction would have been to tell her watch the fuck where she was going, I'd instead found myself struck by a pair of pretty brown eyes behind glasses that made me think of a dirty librarian. She'd quietly apologized and stepped around me, moving down the aisle without a backward look.

I'd caught back up to her at the register, where I found her buying what was clearly the makings for a night in. As I'd stood behind her in line, she hadn't given any indication that she was intimidated by my presence at all. Whereas the clerk kept glancing at me nervously, Debi had smiled at my shyly and then turned back to her errand. I'd only learned her name because the clerk had said it as she'd walked out the door.

That had been three weeks ago and I'd be a fucking liar if I didn't admit to buying more smokes than I'd ever need at that store to see if I could run into her again. I hadn't and it had me in a foul mood. I should have caught up with her outside, said something to her inside. Hell, I should have done something. Instead, I'd let that quiet blonde walk into and out of my life in just a flash of a moment and I had been regretting it ever since.

At first, I'd just assumed it to be something that a few days of partying would resolve. I'd thrown myself into the fun at the clubhouse with just that in mind. It hadn't taken long, however, to figure out that my fucked up mind wouldn't let go of her. So, instead of fucking fifteen women into the next month, I'd pulled back from the carousing and let myself wallow in alcohol. Tonight, I was just starting into the same plan as before, meanwhile thinking of how fucking whipped I was for a woman who'd done nothing more than smile and apologize to me.

"You have any cigarettes on you?" Koz asked and I perked up.

"No. Need some. I'll go." I said as I got up from my chair and walked out of the bar. I felt Koz walking behind me but I paid him no mind. There was no reason to think she'd be there this time, but that wasn't stopping me from trying.

When we pulled into the lot, I saw an old pickup and a minivan there, which gave me pause. In the weeks since I'd seen her, I hadn't even considered that she could have a pack of kids or a man in her life. That van could be hers.

Kozik noticed my hesitation but I just shook my head and walked inside. If she was off the table, then I'd figure it out. But I wasn't going to be able to do that until I knew it.

Cigarettes are always behind the counter, so I surprised Kozik when I walked toward the back of the store rather than walking up to the counter. I saw him shrug out of the corner of my eye while he stepped up to the register. He'd wait for me while I took a look around.

I watched a kid run by me toward the candy section, my eyes following him and thus not watching where I was walking. It had to be fucking fate or some shit, because when I glanced back, it was just in time to run into Debi once more. My arms came up and around her as if my body recognized who it was before my mind had time to connect the dots. She made a soft sound of surprise and her eyes were wide as she looked up into my eyes. She was wearing those damn glasses again and her blonde hair tickled my forearms where it reached them behind her back.

"Again?" She asked, her voice teasing even though I saw the flush of shyness take over her face. I stepped back, knowing I couldn't just throw her over my fucking shoulder, despite how much I wanted to.

"Sorry, little girl." I said and I saw her eyes sparkle at my voice. There are certain women who get off from my voice. It seemed Debi might be one of them.

"Nah. I wasn't watching, either." She responded and I nodded. Kozik came around the corner and gave me a look over her shoulder. I jogged my head to the door and he smirked and turned. He'd catch me back at the clubhouse.

I looked down to her hands, finding a bag of chips and a six pack of chick beer in her hands. I raised a brow and she blushed again. She seemed shy, but she wasn't backing down from talking to me, so she wasn't skittish.

"Uh, yeah." She said. "Heading home to lounge." She explained and I nodded. I grabbed the drinks out of her hand and walked toward the front, stopping to grab my own six pack before I made it to the register. Debi followed me, confusion on her face as I cocked my head at her.

"I've got it." I said when I put her drinks and mine on the counter. She looked at me in question, but didn't argue. Rather, she put the chips on the counter and waited while the kid behind the counter rung us up. When it was paid for, I walked out with her, watching as she moved to the old pickup.

"What's your name?" She asked when I followed her over and put her drinks in the cab.

"Happy." I responded and she grinned. I'm not unfamiliar with the irony of my name, but to seeing her response brought a smile to my face.

"You good with company, little girl?" I asked and she looked at her feet again before looking up and nodding. "I'll follow you." I said in response, putting my six pack in the cab of her pickup and stepping back. She got in and fired up as I walked to my bike. After three weeks, I was finally going to be able to spend some time with her.

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