The Exterminator - IV

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Happy POV

"Show me some love, Happy," Monty demanded as she winked at me.

In response, I grabbed her around the waist and bent my head, sucking the skin just behind her ear into my mouth as she faced away from me. My hands splayed over her, one grasping her breast as the other rode low on her abdomen. I could feel her hand come up to cup the back of my neck, her nails scraping at me as she spoke.

"I know who," she said, angling to turn into my body. As she pulled my head to the side and bit my neck, my hands came to rest on her ass.

"Who?" I demanded, my voice rougher than normal. Monty's mouth was sending all the blood to my cock, making it hard to think.

"The Nomad and one of the croweaters are working together," she said, satisfaction heavy in her tone. My eyes opened to look around the bar and I noted there were three Nomads in the room.

"Which?" I demanded, grasping her thighs and pulling her up my body.

In the nearly three weeks since she started this cover, Monty had allowed me increasing access. I was permitted to kiss her and grope her, but I hadn't tasted the sunshine of her pussy yet and it was about ready to kill me. With her finishing the job, there was a good fucking chance I was going to lose my shot.

"Walk me over to Clay," she ordered, not answering my question. I did as she bid, noting with increased arousal that he was standing at the base of the stairs. That worked for me just fine.

As we came level with Clay, Monty moved her head to nip and kiss the other side of my neck. I kept her ass in my palms, unwilling to let her go as she spoke to him. If I had my way, I was tasting all of her in moments.

"The Nomad with the star tattoo behind his left ear," she said, speaking against my neck just loud enough for Clay and me to hear. "He and the rainbow headed croweater are your rats," she explained.

"You're sure?" Clay demanded, his face calm but his eyes holding death.

"Yes," she replied. "Do you want me to finish the work, or will you handle it?" she asked, dragging her tongue up my neck to my ear.

My hands pulsed on her ass as my dick strained in my jeans. The fucking woman had me in a near constant state of blue balls for weeks. I couldn't even sate it with another – I'd become addicted to the feel of my own personal serial-killer Barbie.

"We'll take care of it," Clay said, his voice grim. I nodded and shifted to let Monty down, only to have her tighten her hold.

"Do it later," she demanded, her head turning to Clay.

"You don't tell me my business, Monty," Clay responded and she nodded and shrugged.

"Fine," she said. "But you're doing it without Happy," she stated flatly. "Because he's taking me upstairs to fuck right now," she continued.

Clay choked as my whole body went from the low blaze she had me on to a fucking inferno. I looked to Clay, willing him to cooperate. If he ordered it, I'd walk from Monty, but I wouldn't fucking like it and I'd hold it against him forever. His eyes turned to me and then he sighed and shook his head.

"Fine," he grumbled. "Is tomorrow morning alright with you, Monty?" he asked sarcastically and she grinned and nodded.

"Perfect," she answered. She then turned to me and bit my lip. "If you don't make me come so hard I can't move for a full minute, Hap," she challenged. "I'm going to be sorely disappointed."

Growling into her neck, I bit her as I moved up the stairs. Nearly twenty-one days of having her touch me had me ready to fucking blow. There was nothing gentle about what was happening next.

When I got Monty into the dorm, I pushed her against the door as I ground my crotch into her. She chuckled lowly, her hands moving from my neck down my sides. As I plundered her mouth, she unbuckled my belt and shoved my jeans to the floor.

Picking her up while maintaining the lock on her mouth, I carried her over to the bed and fell to her. She pushed my kutte off and ripped at the shirt I had on, her insistence blanking my mind from anything but the anticipated pleasure of having her. As I yanked off her clothing, my hands finally felt the smoothness of her skin and my lungs stopped fucking working.

Every inch of this woman was touching me now. She was warm and soft, needy and demanding. While my mouth moved over her, her hands and legs wrapped around me, urging me on.

I was near to her sweet pussy when she grabbed me hard and turned, pushing me into the bed and then smiling at me with intent. As I licked my lips, she turned and bent her head to suck me into her mouth.

My groan was primal as I felt the warm heat of her tongue on me. My hands pulled at her as I set my lips to hers, spearing my tongue into the dripping evidence of her arousal. And then, we feasted.

I made Monty my meal as I sucked and laved. My hands kept her tight against me as we moaned when the other sparked pleasure through our limbs. Over and again, we dove into the other until we were both panting and needy.

Unable to wait any longer, I pulled Monty up and flipped her to the bed underneath me. As her thigh moved up over mine, I gasped for breath and then caught her eyes.

"Want to feel you bare," I admitted, rasping as I bit her lip. She reached between us, grasping my dick and pulsing as she responded, her head tilting up to speak into my ear.

"Only if you cum in me," she demanded, nearly killing me. With a sound that wasn't quite human, I thrust into her hard, moaning as her legs curled around me.

Deep and hard, I pounded into her as I felt the tight constriction of her sweet pussy envelope me. My arms were locked on either side of her head as I stared in her eyes, feeling her challenge every bit as much as when she'd first issued it. There was nothing that would stop me from fucking branding her.

Over and again, she cried out filthy encouragements as I sank into her. My mind was splintering, my heart pounding, and fucked if my cock weren't ready to blow harder than ever before. As my climax approached, I bent and demanded her mouth, plundering it as one hand came up and pinched her right nipple. I did it again as I buried myself within her and ground down, rolling my hips as her legs shook and her voice cracked on the sweetest damn moan.

That sound pushed me over the edge as I spent myself within her.

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