Chapter Sixteen

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The days following Jeremiah's arrest were oddly calm. Tasha continued to work, even though everyone suggested she took time off for herself, but she couldn't. She wanted to throw herself into her work, and that's what she did.

A month had passed since Jeremiah was put behind bars, and things were finally getting back to normal. Well, as normal as things could get after such a thing happening. Tasha refused to go home, instead sending Gavin to grab her clothes. At this point Tasha had pretty much moved in to his apartment — not that he minded that. The two had become closer since she had begun staying with him, and he was hoping that eventually Tasha would give him a second chance.

They were back to their usual bickering and teasing, but whenever Tasha noticed Gavin getting too close for comfort she backed off. After a few weeks of living with Gavin, she found she truly enjoyed living with him. He was still an ass, but he was her ass. She wanted to give him a second chance, she really did, but she was terrified. She was happy with the way things were now, for the most part. But the longing looks the two gave each other made her question herself every day.

Gavin never pushed the unspoken boundaries with Tasha too far. Occasionally he would kiss her cheek or gaze at her a little too long, but he tried his best to give Tasha her space. He wanted her to know that he did care for her, more than he cared for anyone in his life before. He was scared too — he didn't want to be in love, let alone in love with his best friend. She meant the world to him and the thought of losing her could break his heart a thousand times over. Gavin knew he wasn't a good person — he was cruel and a complete dick half the time, but with Tasha, it made him want to be a better person. He wanted to be good enough for her.

The age difference between the two never bothered Tasha in the slightest. Gavin, on the other hand, hated the nearly fifteen year age gap. Not only did he feel inadequate because of his age, all his coworkers would joke around saying he's robbing the cradle, and that Tasha should be with someone her age. That was another thing that terrified him; the thought that she could easily have any man she wanted. She was young, beautiful, smart, funny... everything a man could want. He never missed the stares she would get when they were out working, or even passing by their coworkers. He was almost certain he was too old for her, but the more he tried to push his love away the harder it would hit his chest.

Every time Gavin would push further, even the slightest, Tasha would keep to herself, keeping herself closed off from him. Usually if she was in a particularly bad mood, she would blast music in the car while on patrol. Gavin didn't let her completely shut off though. He wanted to make her see she could trust him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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