Chapter 7

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In the morning, you go to buy a ticket to return at Ikebukuro with Erika. Alone in your house, Samatoki wake up.

~ A little time skip ~

You come back and go in your room and see Samatoki on your computer.

" You need to put a password " said Samatoki

" Yeh~ Yeh~ What are you going on my computer ? "

" Nothing " he stretches again " I just see some news about world "

" Eh~~ I see "

" And you ? Why do you leave the house early in the morning ? "

" Ah~~ Erika and me return at Ikebukuro ! I already send a message to my parents, they're up-to-date so.. I need you leave this house before I leave...." 

" Kay~ thank you for let me sleep here tonight " he tidied the futon in your closet

" It's okay " you go on your PC to put a password and turn off it

" Hey, Samatoki.... let's change us Lime " you proposed

" If you want "

You two change your Lime

" Thank you "

Samatoki leaves and comes back at Yokohama, Erika and me go to the station to return at Ikebukuro but... you don't think Ichiro and his brothers came too.

" Hummm....Erika ? ...Why are they here ? " 

" I don't told you ? Well they live in Ikebukuro too so they leave at the same time as we ! "

" Ahhhhhhhhhh I see.. "

" I'm Yamada Jiro, my MC is MC.M.B ! Nice to meet you ! "

" I'm Yamada Saburo, my MC is MC.L.B... nice to meet you "

" Nice to meet you, I'm (y/n) (f/n) "

" Nii-chan you don't need introduce yourself ? "

" I already know her so I don't think it's necessary, but if she want I can introduce myself "

" It's okay^^' like you said I already know you, Yamada Ichiro-san, MC.B.B ^^ "

We leave Tokyo to return at Ikebukuro...

~ Time skip ~

We finally arrived at Ikebukuro's station..

Ichiro said he need to hurry to go home so he leaves and his brothers follow him.

" (f/n) ... I can stay in your house tonight ? "

" Of course... I don't mind but why...? "

" Thank you... I need to talk you about something.."

" Okay... Anyway, I think my fridge is empty, let's go to shop ! "

" Alright ! Let's go ! " 

We have buy foods and go to my apartment

~ Time skip ~

" Ah~~ It feels good to take a bath " said Erika

"Right~~ ... and ? "

" Hm? "

you sighed " You wanted to talk me, right ? "

" Ah yeah.. " she began to blush

" Wait... don't tell me you..."

" Sorry (f/n) !!!! I have a crush on Ichii !!! "

" I was sure of it " you sighed " And? You want to confess at him ? "

Erika nods

" Then do it "

" I can't !!! "

" Why not ? "

" It's been just three days !! "

" And? ...If you have a crush just tell him "

" But...I don't know if he see me as the same way I see him... I don't want to be rejected !!! > < "

" And you want me to know better him and tell you about him ? "

" If it's possible.... "

" Eh~~ I don't want~ And if you want to know him why don't ask him directly ? "

" I'm scared~ "

you sighed again " Ok~ I will try but I promise nothing "

" Thank you !!!!! > < " she hugs you

" Yeh~ Yeh~ it's late now and I'm tired of this journey.. I want to sleep "

" Oh right ! Thank you again and good night! "

" Yeah good night "

Hypnosis Microphone - Samatoki x Reader x IchiroWhere stories live. Discover now