Chapter 18

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You search Samatoki and stop your steps when fireworks started....

" I wanted to watch them with him... "

" With who? "

you hear a familiar voice behind you and you returned to see this person and he put an accessory in your hair " As I thought, it suits you very well "

" Samatoki !! "

" And? with who you wanted to watch the fireworks? "

" heard me..."

" And? With who? "

" With you..I think? " you tease him

" You think? "

" Ummmm....yea " you grab his sleeve of his yukata and blushed

" I see you're not honest "

" You can talk "

" Ha !? "

" You too are not honest "

" Eh, are you serious ? "

" Yes "

Samatoki want to speak but I interrupted him

you started to talk " Hey, today is fireworks and I don't want to fight with you... "

" Me too, I don't want "

Samatoki and you watched fireworks until the end and in the way back you rejoin Erika and the others guys....

~ few months after ~

Samatoki comes often in your apartment, sometimes you fight but every moments with him are fun.

It's been a few months that Erika and you back to university...

You finally have a free week-end..

" (f/n) ... " said Samatoki

" What? "

" It's been 4 months we dating together, right ? "

" Yea...and ? " you wrote something on your laptop

" What about to live with me ? "

you stopped to your movements on your keyboard " mean to Yokohama ? "

" Yeah "

" No way! now it's impossible !! "

" Ha!? Who say now ? "

" Eh? "

" I know you can't now, you need to finish your university's year... but you can move after your graduate "

" .... I'll think about it "

" I see "

you watched the time on your watch " Sorry !! I need to join Erika in the city !!! "

after a few, you rejoins Erika and spend time with her and you two sit on a bench

" Thank you for today, (f/n) !!! "

" Thank you too, Erika! "

" Hey, do you want to join with me to the new cafe? "

" I'm sorry..not today. maybe next time"

"Ah i see...then the next time "

" Yeah "

~ Time skip ~

" You're late! " Samatoki look mad at her. but not that mad

"Yeh~ yeh~ sorry~~ "

Hypnosis Microphone - Samatoki x Reader x IchiroWhere stories live. Discover now