Chapter 14

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Saburo need to tell (y/n) about Erika so he send her a message.

~ Early in the morning ~

You wake up by the light of the sun, you look on your phone the time, and you notice you have a message from Saburo and you read his message about Erika and asleep.

~ Time skip ~

Samatoki wake up and see you on your bed. He leaves quietly your room and go to the bathroom to wash his face to wake up. He return in your room and see you still on your bed. He see your phone vibrate and decided to put your phone on your cheek.

You wake up because of the vibration of your phone " mmmmm.... "

" Oi, wake up it's already 11 AM and your phone vibrate. "

" mmmmm..." you take off your phone on your cheek, opened your eyes and look the phone's screen, this time it's a message from Ichiro....



Ichiro: Hey, you wake up ?


Ichiro: You still sleep ??

(y/n): Sorry...I just wake up...

Ichiro: Np ! I want spend time with you, are you free this afternoon?

(y/n): of course, we meet at the same place?

Ichiro: Yeah!

You wake up, go to the kitchen, prepare the breakfast.

~ Time skip ~

" I go out to see Ichiro this afternoon "

" Why ? "

" Dunno but I need to talk with him about Erika "

" Ok then "

" Do you have planned something for this afternoon ? "

" Hmmm .... I think I will rest in your apartment "

" Do what ? "

" Dunno maybe sleep "

" I see..... "

~ Time skip ~

you rejoin Ichiro at the same place " You are always in advance "

" A men must not make a girl wait ;) , shall we go ? "

"Where do you want to go ? "

" Choose "

"Then, I want to go in the city "

~ Time skip ~

You two go in the city, and make manythings.

" Ichiro... " you started to speak

" Hm? What? "

" Saburo tell me Erika has a little accident and you let her sleeping in your house... "

" Yeah... "

" Thank you !!!! "

" No problem "

" Is she alright ? "

" Of course, she was just tired to work hard on her first day, she leaves my house this morning I think she has work "

"I see... thank you Ichiro, you are a real friend ^^ "

Just a friend.... (in Ichiro's head)

He answered me just with a smile

~ Time skip ~

Ichiro take me at my apartment and leaves. Once he leaves, I opened the door and enter in my apartment and closed the door. Once I closed the door, I feel the presence of someone so I return to see... but only thing I see it was Samatoki's face.....

He pushes me on the door " You're late " and he press his lips on mine...

His face is scared so I closed my eyes, he notice that and profit the moment to kiss me, he introduce his tongue on my mouth, I notice that and I try to push him but he was more strong than me... I tried to avoid his tongue with my tongue but it's like kissing him so I bite his tongue and he steps back.

" What are you doing !? " he said

" I return you the same replica !!! "

" Ha !? I'm just kissing you "

" Why !? "

"Ha !? You don't even know that when the men kiss a women "

" So you love me ? "

".....a problem ? "

You started to blush "Is not a problem but... "

" You love this bastard ? "

You shakes your head to say no

" I see " he said smiling

You saw his smile and your face turning red

" Your face is red, are you alright ? " he must know why your face is red but he wants tease you

" Shut up !! "

he laughs " Do you have already ate ? "

" "

" Good, I'll prepare you something just wait "

" Wait! It's okay, I can make myself my dinner "

" Don't, I want cook "

" ....thank you..."

He smiles and started to cook something for you, while this time you changed your clothes and take a bath to relaxing you. Once, you finish to take your bath, you head forward to the living room and saw Samatoki brings you dinner.

"...Thanks...Samatoki " you thank him and he just smiling.

You started to ate " ...Delicious..." you continued to eat and you notice him stares you....

"....Why do you look me ? "

" Somewhat "

" Oh really "

" What? "

" Nothing...You want to eat ? "

He opened his mouth and you feed him

" As I thought, my cook is very delicious "

You finished to ate and as usual you two sleep in your room.

Hypnosis Microphone - Samatoki x Reader x IchiroWhere stories live. Discover now