Erika's POV

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From today, I was started my career, I was very busy, I'm so tired~~ I just want to come back at my house, take a bath and go to sleep but... I need to walk the way

Maybe because I was so exhausted I started to walk while the pedestrian's fire was still red.. I heard a car coming faster....

I feel someone grabs my wrist and said to me "You want to die !? "

I turn my head and saw Ichiro very worried, I want to cry but I just said thank you...

I wanted to support Ichiro to confess his feeling at (f/n) but it's impossible. I really love him, I wanted to be in his sides, to be his I decided to take me back and try to get his love.

Ichiro decided to take me in his house. I'm happy that he bring me in his house but I'm very stressed.

" Make yourself at home " he opened the door and we enter in his house

" ....Thank you... " I head forward the living room and sit on a chair

" Do you have already eaten ? "

" .... Not yet, I just go out of work.. "

" Ok then wait I will prepare the dinner for you "

" ..... Thank you "

" It's fine, it's not a big deal " he said it with a smile and go in the kitchen

He prepare the dinner and I wait in the living room... Ichiro come to me with the dinner

~ Time skip ~

Once I finished to ate, he does the dishes and return in the living where I'm am... he started to speak...

" You seem very exhausted....Are you alright ? "

"... I just go out of work, I'm very exhausted, I think I was overworked but it's my start now I must to work hard... !!! "

" I understand your point of view but you don't have to overworked especially your first day.." he said and smiled

His smile is very precious for me, I like his smile, he puts me at ease.

" Right! for tonight you can sleep here! "

" Eh ? "

" We have a guest room, you can sleep here "

" But...! I can come back in my apartment ! "

" You don't ! You are very tired, if you don't want to stay here you can leave tomorrow early in the morning "

" Thank you, Ichii "

" You're welcome, Erika " he smiles at me again

He takes me to the guest room " For tonight, this is your room if you want something, just do it and you can also ask Jiro and Saburo if it's necessary, the bathroom is down the hall. "

"Thank you Ichii " I let down on the futon and Ichiro leaves.

Hypnosis Microphone - Samatoki x Reader x IchiroWhere stories live. Discover now