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Before I knew it, my legs moved on their own towards the boy you brutally punched.

I tapped him on the arm, gaining his attention as he turned around. He smiled weakly at me, showing off his dimples.

Are you okay? ❞ I asked.

The boy nodded, ❝ Yes. Thanks for asking. Sorry you had to see that.

I glared at his cheek turning a light shade of purple mixed with yellow.

❝ Are you friends with Hoseok? ❞ I asked.

The boy looked at me with wide eyes.

❝ How do you know Hoseok? ❞ he asked.

I shrugged. ❝ He's in my class. I don't know him personally. ❞

The boy ran a hand through his hair as he stared at the darkening sky.

❝ If you're interested in him, I suggest you leave him be. You'll either start to hate him or he'll make you.

I looked at him, utterly dumbfounded.

What do you mean by that? ❞ I asked.

The boy stared at me before walking off, leaving me all alone.

I'm just warning you. ❞ he shouted loud enough for me to hear.

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