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I remember our last conversation.

I remember the calm night sky as I lay on the grass, my eyes mesmerised by the beautiful ceiling of stars hovering over my form.

It was peaceful and calm, until you appeared.

Your brown hair fell onto your face, covering your murky eyes and shiny lips.

Hoseok ❞ I said in awe.

You didn't move your hair out of your face, you didn't budge. You stayed perfectly still, the only sound I could hear was your unsteady breathing.

You opened your mouth, probably intending to say something before I cut you off.

Anger soared through my body like adrenaline.

Why do you enjoy hurting me so much? ❞ I yelled.

I let all of the built up pain erupt from within me. I distinctly remember thinking not to worry about whatever I say, no matter how hurtful it was.

Maybe that was my mistake.

Why did you ever make me believe you liked me? Did you intend to wrap me around your finger before treating me like utter garbage? Why be nice and then push me away so cruelly? Why even bother talking to me when you literally wish for my death? I don't fucking understand, Hoseok, I don't understand and I'm sick and tired of taking your bullshit. You always talked about how much of a sociopath you are, but truth be told, you're just a wannabe sociopath. You hurt people and pretend to be cold and heartless when in reality, you aren't really like that, deep down. I know it, you know it, so how about you drop the act already!

I expected you to pull me into a hug and wipe the tears wetting my face significantly away with your hand. I expected you to smile as I always believed you weren't the person you made yourself out to be. I expected you to apologise and bless me with that smile of yours.

But your reaction was quite different than what I imagined.

The wind blew your dark brown locks out of your eyes, your expressionless face staring right at me as I clenched my fists in frustration.

My anger quickly dispersed as you turned your back to me and slowly walked away, my eyes glued to your disappearing form.

I wanted to call out, beg you to stay, beg you to turn around and make the unimaginable pain go away.

But I didn't.

I let you walk away.

That was the last time I saw you.

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