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Hoseok didn't flinch at the cold air blowing into his face, hiding his hands in his pockets he made his way through the dark cemetery. Stepping on hard slabs of rock, he cautiously looked for Minseo's grave. He had no idea where to look, so he walked around the whole area.

He finally located her as he found himself standing at the other end of the cemetery, it was even darker there with absolutely no source of light except for the glistening moon above him.

He kneeled down and placed his hand on the cold headstone, feeling tears sting his eyes as he stared intently at the piece of rock.

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Minseo, ❞ he cried, resting his head against the headstone, letting his tears fall down onto the ground.

He missed her so much, he blamed himself entirely for her death. He couldn't believe he pushed her away because the thought of loving her terrified him to death.

He was so afraid of loving her he killed her.

He couldn't stop the tears as he covered his mouth with his hands, screaming out, his muffled screams nearly suffocating him. But he didn't care, he silently screamed until his face turned beetroot red and his lungs were begging for oxygen.

The pain was too much to bear.

He took out the cold metallic object from his jacket and aimed it straight at his chest, shakely.

He didn't hesitate to place his finger on the trigger.

I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, he chanted in his head, like a mantra.

Nothing he did could bring her back. Nothing he did could reverse the cruel things he did, harsh words he said.

Nothing could turn time back and enable him to properly apologise and accept his feelings, treat her right, give him a second chance. He'd do everything differently.

But the world was cruel and there were no second chances. No redos at life.

And so, he pulled the trigger. His lifeless body lay next to Minseo's grave.

And silence followed.

Eternal silence.

Their story was that of two star-crossed lovers who were never meant to be.

A tragic end, indeed.

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