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His lips moved against mine slowly, passionately, and as much as I wanted to tell him to back off, as much as I wanted to push him off, I couldn't. My body physically wouldn't let me.

Instead, I kissed him back - hard.

The tingles from all of our other physical contacts were now fireworks, sparks of lust and even though I hates to admit it, love. Whatever the hell was going on, it was magical and I hated it and loved it all the same. He was doing something to me, and I didn't like it.

Finally, my out of breath body pulled away from him, or maybe he pulled away from me, but I felt my self feeling cold and lost without his touch. He felt me leaving sad and unhappy with his physical contact gone. "What. . . The hell. . . Just happened," I stuttered out breathlessly. He chucked and pulled me into his warms arms. Surprising warm actually, wasn't he a vampire?

"Your body reacted to me because I'm your mate, and now it knows it," I leaned back and looked into his amused eyes.

"You did that on purpose!" I stepped away from him, immediately regretting it.

"Yes, but also the heat of the moment," he gestures his arms around lazily. "You miss it, me. . ."

I hated him. What the hell had he done. I needed his touch, his heat, the feeling if his lips on mine. I needed him. I ran past Luke and stormed inside of the bus, the guys still peeking out the window.

"Where'd she go?" Ashton muttered, and Niall shrugged his shoulders.

"You would think vampires would be a bit more intelligent," I muttered, stomping past them into the the bathroom, taking the first look at myself for two day, or at least that's what the calendar on the wall says.

My red hair was tasseled and my mascara looked more like eyeliner. My lips were slightly swollen and my waterline was wet with forming tears. But what really got me going was the intricate mark the resembled an 'L' on my collarbone. Right where Luke had bitten me.

Fucking shit.

I gently pressed my index finger to the ink and traced the shape when I heard a loud knocking on the door. "Fawn, I know your gonna want me to explain. . ."

Luke's voice was worried. I could tell why, but I didn't respond. Instead I checked the lock and sat on the closed toilet, ignoring his banging on the plank of wood.

"Fawn! Let me in, goddammit!"

I needed to process all of this. I was Luke's mate. He owned me. I need him. He is a vampire. I have a tattoo on my collarbone.

Like I did whenever I was nervous, I lifted my shirt to look at the four distinct scars that lined my stomach. The newest one still was a bit pink, but I always hid them and tried to ignore them, unless I was in a bad situation. In that case, I told myself I was strong and nothing could be worse then the stories hidden behind each flaw of skin.

The door was suddenly pulled off its hinges and I noticed Luke looking at my stomach, causing me to immediately drop my shirt. "What the hell are those!" he rushed over to me and attempted at lifting my shirt before I slapped his hands away.

Luke looked back up and his eyes were royal blue. He was getting pissed. "Fawn, what the hell happened!"

"Nothing!" I snapped back and held my shirt down. "But can I get a damn explanation for this?" I asked, shifting one hand up to my collarbone. Luke's eye-line switched to my neck and his eyes calmed.

"Um," his awkward demeanor entered and I had only seen this when he was trying to explain everything before he went ape on me. "It's your mark. When you passed out this afternoon, it was because I marked you. I wasn't aware that marking took so much energy though, so, sorry for that. . ." He looked down at his hands. I liked Luke like this. Shy, powerless, not ruthless and snappy.

He gingerly raised his hand and met my eyes, the tranquil blue soothing me as his fingers pressed to the mark, electric sparks shooting through me. I quickly grabbed his hand away before I let out a moan and he stared at me with amusement. "I really hate you, you know," I muttered, a smiled rising on his thin lips.

"And I really love you," I cringed a little, but hopefully not a ton because he seemed so happy. "Come on," he stuck out his hand and I tentatively took it, ignoring the shocks of electricity and followed Luke into the bunks.

He laid down on mine and I stared at him. "I am not sharing a bed with you," I said, raising an eyebrow.

He raised his eyebrows at me and then laughed. "Sorry, but we are, so. . .get in," he moved his body against the wall and I reluctantly slid in next to him.

"Aren't you gonna change?" I mumbled, my eyelids already heavy even though I took two - unintentional - naps today.

"Oh, uh, yeah," he rolled over on top of me until he landed on the ground, both of us releasing groans of pain.

He stripped his shirt and I stared at his abdomen. Toned and surprisingly pale, but pretty damn mesmerizing. Then he just shimmied off his skinnies and stood there in his boxers for a few seconds before leaning down to meet my eyes.

"Scooch in?"

I slid into the wall and turned towards it, feeling a dip in the bed signaling Luke's entrance.

My back pressed to his and I smiled at the smell of his cologne still fresh on his skin.

"Goodnight, Luke."

"Goodnight, Fawn," Luke's voice effortlessly breathed out as I focused on the fact his chest wasn't rising and falling. "I love you."

I ignored his comment and drifted off into sleep, hoping my dreams would be more realistic than my life.

You, Me, and the Devil Makes Three // l.h.Where stories live. Discover now