✧ 18 ✧

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okay so DOUBLE UPDATE -- but what i wanted to say is the italicized words are like chai speaking just to make that clear and if fawn is like thinking to herself then it will be bolded -- hope y'all are having a good day


Niall dropping his hand against my thigh was terribly obnoxious, I swear the lot of them are toddlers, but as their conversation trailed on, my nerves grew more knotted and I felt physically sick.

"You can't be seriously," weight from the couch was removed, so I could only assume Luke had stood, "why would anyone in hell assume that!" Luke was yelling now, everyone else quiet.

"Luke, mate," Niall intervened, standing from what I could hear.

"Don't you dare tone this down," I could imagine Luke pointing his finger accusingly, but my eyes stayed shut, colors dancing behind my lids. Phosphenes.

"Luke," this time it was Michael, "we don't know what's going on, okay? There's no need to put blame on someone who doesn't deserve it, yeah?"

Michael was always the reasonable one, I felt my whole body cringe at the sound of his voice.

"Well then whose fault is it!?"

He most definitely has daddy issues.

"We don't know yet," Calum contributed, "why don't we wake Fawn up and ask her if she made contact with anyone besides us."

"I just," he paused like he was considering his next words before sighing, "she hasn't been sleeping well. . ." concern seeped into his voice.

Ha. A vampire. . .concerned? Good one, Fawn.

I just wanted to tell Chai to leave, but for all I know, I could be imagining this, all of this.

"Fawn?" my body shook at the provoker's hands, "Fawn, babe, could you wake up please?"


"Hmm?" I mumbled, ignoring Chai's cold voice.

"Hey, could you wake up?" my eyes blinked at Luke, his washed out, but gorgeous as ever.

"No." A chuckled escaped someone's mouth.


"God, what is up with vampires being so demanding?" my body shifted upwards, my legs tucking into my chest, my chin resting on my knees. The action bringing a slight dizziness, but soon it cleared my head.

"Ha, funny," Luke gave me an unamused look, "have you come in contact with anyone, besides us, during the time you've been here?"

"Well," don't you dare, "there were those four guys who were like randomly sitting here the other day, but I assume you know them?"

Niall laughed, "yeah we can count them out, they're my band."

"You have a band?" I asked, my head turning to curiously look at Niall.

Niall just raised his eyebrows at the other boys, his blue eyes glowing with a mixture of amusement and confusion, "yes, I'm in a band."


Luke just looked at the exchange before butting in, "are you absolutely positive?" 

You damn well are.

"Uh, I-I," my voice stuttered uncomfortably, Chai's possibly imagined voice clearly holding some input here. {okay wait, real life for a moment, my brother has his friend over and like he's like hurting him and i just keep hearing his friend like moaning out in pain saying like, "OWWWWWW THAT REALLY HURT, DUDE, THAT REALLY HURT!" and i am like what is fucking going on in there...}

 "Fawn," but Luke's voice had an equally powerful effect.

"N-no? I mean, no of course not, I've been spending my time in here. . ."

{alright, sorry, now they are like rapping and my brother was like, "NO! LUKE COME BACK! YOU MADE HIM LEAVE, DOM!" and i'm just like thank god the poor dog escaped -- this is really fucking amusing im sorry}

Luke's gaze was holding on strongly, the piercing blue making my body curl in closer under the attention. His eyes stayed incredibly focused on me, the other boys watching Luke or me, except for Niall who was looking at the floor, shifting on his feet. "As long as you're sure. . ."

{just kidding, they're listening to luke bryan what} 

"I am," and in the moment I realized this was a majorly stupid move and I needed to figure out what was going on fast.


i'm actually cracking up bc of my bro and his "bruh" like dude i wish you all could just be listening to this omfg plus there's like a ton of luke related things - dog, luke bryan -

s/o to hayyley1 bc she is like being really awesome and saying really nice things about this story and being like a really dedicated reader and such ily and i apologize for dedicating you an incredibly boring and pointless chapter - annalise xx 

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