Chapter One

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I hope you enjoy my story! You are great for starting to read this, really.

         Lucas Matthews. Luke Matthews. Luke.  Have you ever seen the water when the sun was setting, how beautiful the blue was? Have you ever been at a lake with such clear waters and got lost in its beauty? That’s how I feel every time I look in Luke’s eyes. With such a white complexion, his eyes seem so bright and beautiful. When he smiles, the way his dimples come out. Why can’t I ever get him to talk to me? The best thing happened to me today! Luke smiled at me. Or so I think it could have been someone else, but I dream about it being directed toward me. I have to become his friend. Or even better his girlfriend. Why would the hottest guy at school fall for a nerdy outcast like me? There is something about Luke that’s just intrigues me. Is it how cute he is, but knowing he has a secret dark past that no one knows about? Mhm, the world will never know. Maybe I could change; maybe I could become a girl worth Lucas Matthew’s attention. I highly doubt it but I could try. Just watch and see.

       “Shannon?” said the blonde girl who I call my best friend. I never understood why we were still friends.

We are complete opposites. I am guessing since we have been friends since first grade, when we had competitions of biggest boogers. Something I am not very proud of winning! Not at all. Her name is Ashley.  See Ashley is liked by every one. Geeks. Nerds. Jocks. Fellow cheerleaders. Musicians. And even druggies, which surprised me. Ashley joins every group possible. Cheerleading. Newspaper. Chess. Band.  Volleyball. Soccer. I’m still shocked she has straight A’s. But what shocks me about all is how she still has time to shop, hang out with me and go partying. She also is beautiful. Not that I’m insecure, but she has ten guys following her at all times. When guys look at me, they laugh. I’m determined to get Luke’s attention, even if it means change. 

“Shannon?!” she yelled.  She must have really noticed I was lost in thought, “yes?” I replied in a whisper.

I felt like a nerd or a freak for being so lost in thought because of one boy. Not one boy. Not just a boy. Luke.

“Want to go to Summer Set Style?” she said with a huge smile. I nodded my head at her.

          This is my chance to start my change.  I walk in and the air conditioner feels good since it has been unbearably hot outside the past couple of days. I look around, even though I’ve been here many times before. This is Ashley’s by far favorite store. All the girls are dressed in short dresses, like Ashley or short skirts and a cute top. Maybe I will like this new change. I realized that I am in sweatpants and a tank top. Very fancy. I push my glasses up. Something else I need to get rid of. Actually I prefer as soon as possible. Which it will be since my mom ordered me contacts I didn’t want until now. Thank God for mothers these days.  I don’t know if I should take this journey on my own, or ask for directions.

“Hey Ash, um want to help me with a project,” I said as she pushed hangers on the racks, “Don’t worry, it has nothing to do with science.” Instantly, her facial expression change into a blush.

“Sure, of course, anything for my best buds.” She smiled as she spoke.

       “I-I-I want you to help me change my wardrobe, no baggy sweatpants, its March and it is so hot outside,” I mumbled. “Just don’t give me a heart attack please.”

 I looked up to see Ashley with a huge smile from ear to ear. I waited for a reply but instead I am being pulled to the side of the store with the leader head being, “Dresses.” I stand there feeling insecure as she zooms through the racks.

       “Shay, what size are you?” she smiled at me with an embarrassed face. I look at her with a confused face, I felt my eyebrows move into a v, probably giving me a bigger unibrow then what I already have. How can she not know my size. We share clothes! Well she wears uncomfortable clothes, so I lend her mine. She is one size below me so it is fine. I guess she sensed my internal battle, “I was just kidding, sheesh!” she yelled. I swear this girl is so loud, China probably knows about her.  She started grabbing flowy dresses, great. Then short flowy dress, not great. Not great because she gets away with it due to her short height. Unfortunately for me, I am 5’7”. She grabs dresses and shrikes at how cute they are. Why do I hang out with this girl? Why am I even here? Oh wait, how could I forget! Because of the handsome Luke Matthews. Football team. Soccer team. Rugby team. So athletic and not to mention handsome. I know all the girls drool  over him, but I don’t just want to be one of those girls. I want to know him. His secrets. His favorite color. I want to be part of his world. Wow, I need to lay off the Disney movies. This will be project Eric. Perfect. No one will ever guess it’s about the hottest guy in our school.

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