Chapter 29

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    My sister and I were currently getting dressed for the concert. We had practiced all day rehearsing the songs and dances over and over again. I was actually already finished so I decided to just walk around singing random songs.

    "Someone is ready for tonight I see." I turn around knowing exactly who that voice belonged to.

    "Lay you are here!" I say as I run over to him and give him a hug. Xiao was also with him. I have missed her so much. I hug her as soon as I let go of Lay. When I pull away from the hug I continue to say "You guys have no idea how happy I am to see you two."

    "You know there was no way we were missing this concert. Plus you guys sold out the biggest arena in China. I could not be more happy and proud of you Kali." Xiao says to me with a huge smile on her face. I love that I have such supportive friends with me.

     "I am proud of you guys too. Oh by the way did the guys tell you?" Lay asked me.

    I shake my head no completely lost as to what he could possibly be talking about. "Nope, no one has told me anything. What's up?" I simply reply to him

    "EXO and I will be at you guy's first concert in Korea." Lay tell me which makes me extremely excited.

    "You are flying to Korea to see us perform? That is so sweet of you. Have I ever told you just how much I love you because I love you a lot right now." I reply back to him then give him another hug.

    "Hey now I am coming too." I hear Jackson call out from behind Xiao.

    "What, really? Are the rest of Got7 coming as well?" I then ask Jackson as I also walk over to give him a hug.

    "Of course they are coming too. We are all going to be there! They are super excited as well. Plus I also heard that BlackPink and Hyuna will come as well." Jackson then informs me which makes me even more excited.

    "Seriously? That is amazing! I am so happy right now." I say outloud with the widest smile on my face.

    "What's amazing?" I heard a voice say from behind Jackson. Well all look over to see who it was. I see all of the Nine Percent memebers walk up to us. Yanjun was the last one to walk up. He would look at me, but then look at the floor.

    A weird mixture of emtions were rushing at me at once. I was happy to see him but at the same time I didn't want to see him at all. Part of me wanted to jump into his arms to give him a hug. While another part of me wanted to smack him in the face.

    "Jackson just told me that most of our kpop friends are going to be at the first concert we are doing in Korea. I am happy to see you guys made it." I said then I hugged each of the one by one.

    Yanjun was the last one for me to hug. It was a awkward hug mainly because when we first hugged I squeezed him because I have missed him. When I realized what I was doing I push away from him quickly. I looked at him and I could see the hurt in his eyes. It made me a little sad.

    "Girls take your places, we are about to start the concert." Our manager walked in and annouced to us.

    I squeal in excitement before saying to everyone "Okay, well we will see you all when the concert is over. I hope you all enjoy it." I then walk off with my sisters.


    I walked back to the dressing room with my sisters now that the concert was over. When we walked into the room we were greeted by the cheering and congradulating of our friends. Once everyone had settled down Zhenting walked straight up to me.

    "Hey, can I talk to you really quickly?" Zhenting asked me.

    "Of course. You wanna step out into the hall and talk?" I respond back to him. He nods, then we walk out to the hall way. "So what's up?" I ask him even though I think I might know what he wants to talk about.

    "I wanted to talk to you about you and Yanjun actually. I know you know what happened and I know you are upset with him about it. But I also know that you both love each other immensely. I understand you need your space right now but I hope you don't let this relationship crumble because of a stupid thing he did." Zhenting says to me very seriously.

    I take everything he is saying before I reply back to him. "I don't know what to tell you. I wish I could forgive him and we go back to our relationship. I miss him already and I wish I could be with him. But when I look at him all I can think about is him and.. her."

    "That makes complete sense but I think you should at least hear him out. Get the full story before making the final decision." He tells me before we both walk about into the room.

    I thought about what Zhenting said to me as we walked back into the room. He made some valid points. I should talk to him and listen to what he has to say. With that in mind I walked up to Yanjun.

    "Hey, can I talk to you really quickly." I ask Yanjun. He looks at me slightly puzzled before nodding his head.

    We walk off away from everyone else before I turned back to him to talk. I looked at his face and into his eyes. I could tell that he was confused but I could also see that he was happy that I was talking to him.

    "So I think it would be best for us to sit down and talk. I didn't let you explain everything that happened. I want to hear what you have to say." I confess to Yanjun. He continued to look at me for a moment without saying anything.

    "You do?" Was all he was able to say.

    I let out a little laugh before saying "Yes I want to. I think it is only fair to hear your side of the story and let you explain."

    He smiled at me then said "Okay, how about tomorrow night? You don't have a concert and I am not doing anything. You could come over so we can talk."

    "That sounds perfect. Tomorrow it is then." I replied back to him. We both then walked back to everyone else. The mood seems to have lightened up since the conversation we just had.

    We all go back to our hotel room to celebrate a great first concert. We ordered food for everyone to eat, then just hungout. It was really nice spenting time with everyone like this. For this moment we forgot about all of our problems and just enjoyed one another's company.

Meeting Lin Yanjun (Watty2018)Where stories live. Discover now