Chapter 2

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Third Person Pov

Roman rubbed his knuckles anxiously and hid behind the doors. He was in a classroom. Surrounded by other kids his age. They were loud. They were noisy.

And it was fucking terrifying to him.

He had never been in a room full of people. Or even been with people. Or had to talk to people other than his mother. Which horrified the poor boy.

Iruka stared at the white haired boy, wondering when he was going to talk or remove himself from the door. All he did was ask for his name and already the Roman looked like he wanted run.

Roman trembled and shrank into his sweater. He wanted to run. He wanted to run up a tree, fall down, brake his head, and die. That's all he wanted to do.

Iruka cleared his voice, making the small boy wince and rub his knuckles faster. "Hello. I am Iruka but you can call me Iruka- Sensei. Can you please come here and introduce yourself to the class?" He said calmly.

He shook his head and ducked it farther into his sweater. He didn't want to talk at all. This was all too much for the boy. He never experienced anything like this before. He was scared.

Iruka massaged his forehead in stress. That boy wasn't going to move or talk unless he... Iruka snapped his fingers. Unless he bribed him! Of course it sounded nicer in Iruka's head but it was a very good plan.

He cleared his throat again and got the same reaction he got last time. "How about if you introduce yourself to the class I give you something.." He said to him smiling.

Roman paused. Getting things did sound nice... He shook his head rapidly in agreement. Slowly he pushed his head out of his sweater and walked out from behind the doors. He walked to the front of the class slowly before clearing his throat like Iruka did. And Iruka only smiled. His plan actually worked.

Roman still trembled though. He could feel all the stares pointed at him and it felt weird. Roman licked his lips and cleared his throat again. The classroom was quite and their attention was on him. He swallowed hard.

"Uh.. M-my n-name is R-Roman and I l-like s-sweaters and s-spicy things. I-I'll b-be w-with y-you for t-today." He squeaked, blushing heavily.

The room was silent and their stares were filled with curiosity. "That was good, Roman!" Iruka said clapping his hands together. "Now does anyone have questions for Roman?"

Hands went up randomly. Roman played with the rim of his sleeves. Every time he tried to look up to see their faces his head wouldn't let him. "It's okay Roman. You can pick whoever you want." He said, pushing the boy further to the front of the class. "Go on."

Roman looked up slowly, drawing his attention away from his sleeves. When he looked up, he gasped. There were so many people. His cheeks colored in embarrassment. This was so much easier than he expected it to be.

He looked around and saw a pink haired girl. He didn't see any other pink haired girl around so he pointed at her. She pointed at herself and stood up in question. Roman nodded his head.

"Why are you only entering in the academy now?" She said, tilting her head to the side. Roman began to sweat. He didn't know how to answer that question. He look to his new Sensei to answer. Iruka got the hint and shuffled through a couple of papers. Then he answered for him.

"Ah well... Roman was somewhere else and technically he was homeschooled." Iruka said not actually answering her question. She shook her head rapidly and sat back down. Unfortunately, not all of his new class mates were fooled. Shikamaru raised his head from the desk and raised his eyebrow.

"Sensei that doesn't answer the question..." He said narrowing his eyes. The students around him began to agree and murmur. They shouted out questions to each other about the poor boy.

"Yeah. Where did he come from?" A blond girl said to the Shikamaru. "Why does he have so many bandages?" Someone murmued. "Why does he have white hair?" Someone else shouted across the room. "Yeah. What's up with that?" Someone responded.

"Enough!" Iruka shouted making the classroom quite down again. Iruka sighed. Kids were so brutal. "I'm sorry Roman. You can take a seat now."

"N-no. It's o-okay I-iruka-sensei. I'll c-continue." He stuttered quietly. "I-I c-came f-from a p-place close b-by K-Konoha but I-I don't k-know t-the n-name o-of it..." He said pausing. "I h-have b-bandages b-because I t-train a l-lot and I h-have w-white h-hair b-because m-my m-mom h-had white h-hair." He stuttered, shuffling his feet.

Iruka widened his eyes in surprise. He didn't expect him to answer their questions. Iruka smiled slowly at him. "Good job Roman!" He praised, patting his head. He flinched but also blushed at the contact. Iruka leaned closer to him. "Here is your prize." He said placing a piece of paper in his hand. "You can sit by Naruto now. Naruto raise your hand please."

A boy with bright blond hair and beautiful blue eyes (In Roman's opinion) raised his hand, waving it back and forward to catch his attention.

Roman thanked his Sensei and walked towards the table Naruto sat in. He slided by him making sure he didn't touch him. But of course he accidentally did which surprise the energetic boy. Roman almost pushed him over. He squeaked when he bumped into him and began to apologise pathetically.

"I-I'm s-sorry!" He said genuinely. He flapped his arms around in panicked and his hands were trembling. His face was pressed with a concerned look and tears threatened to leak out. He didn't mean to push him, it was only an accident. "It's okay, believe it!" The vibrant boy said. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I'm going to be the Hokage.!"

Roman nodded his head. He didn't know what that was but it sounded interesting.

And from there on they became good friends. In one day. Yup.

Believe it.


Hey. Guys if you are reading this prepare your anus because I have more books popping up in this bitch. Such as:

Sheet Music (oc× Kakashi)
Misanthropy (oc×Naruto mmmmm maybe)
The Magnificent of Silence (undecided)

And many fucking more. If it is undecided, give your comments. Tell me what u want it to be. Check out the rest of my books I guess. If you want. Welp,



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