The day Cisco arrives

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Barry's pov

Hey Kara we been dating for a while now and it's amazing how much you love me not just as the flash but as Barry Allen too and you know I'm gonna love for my life it's amazing what we have and I couldn't be happier than meeting you I love you Kara danvers.

Kara:barry your amazing and I wouldn't have been more happier if you haven't arrived on this earth and I'm really glad that you came to my earth even if it was a mistake but it was the best mistake that could've happen with in 8 months and I'm really happy with you and only you because I would've given up being supergirl if you haven't showed up 8 months ago.

Don't ever give up on being a hero you are special to me and to everyone else the world needs supergirl whether they realize it or not just be glad we haven't been out all day but we need a plan for tonight I was thinking we order pizza and potstickers and watch any movie you want to watch.

Kara:Barry you really know how to get to a girls heart and I love how sensitive you are to me I feel like I need to be sensitive to you and stop letting you be so romantic but I really love that it is to me and not another girl.

Kara you don't have to worry about me dating another girl because you are the one and only girl for me and I don't have to hide my feelings love and identity for you I can just be me.

Kara:Barry I know you just don't have to be so romantic you can just be like every other person would be in a relationship but I glad you aren't like everyone else it's one of the things I love about you and no matter how much love you have for me I will always have more than you.

No you won't Kara because I have something you don't have and that would be a new logo for my suit and that would be the superflash logo I combined both of our symbols that everyone knows and put them together.

Kara:Barry you didn't have to do that for me I know you love me I just didn't think you would change your bolt to both of us it's amazing and I love you so much that people would be jealous of a relationship like ours.

Third pov

As both of our heros talked all day a breach started to open in the dessert at the same place Barry came out so Winn called Kara and Barry and told them about the situation.

Kara's pov

Barry Winn called we need to get to the D.E.O we have a situation and we need to be know what is happening out there so let's go.

Barry:right behind you my girl of steel let's get this over with so we can order pizza and potstickers and watch that movie.

Yeah let's make it quick my scarlett speedster we can see what it is at the D.E.O and get everything done with.

Barry:Winn what do you need I heard there was a massive energy source in the dessert.

Winn:yeah man it's about 30 miles in the dessert it's the same place you came out of so it could be a meta human from your earth coming here.

Barry:oh no I know who it is Kara let's get there but do not attack unless I say you could got it?

Yea babe but it's my city my rules we lock who ever it is in the D.E.O fair enough.

Barry:alright be we should get there then.

Cisco:barry finally I found you we need help back at S.T.A.R labs the particle accelerator went back online.

Babe who is this long hair scientist standing in front of us and how does he know your the flash.

Barry:Cisco I can't I have to stay here I have to many people who are important to me.

Cisco:but we got to... Wait did she just call you babe Barry?

Barry:yes Cisco she did just call me babe and that's because I'm dating her after Iris and I broke up I decided that I would defeat zoom with the tachyon enhancer after I did I took it and ran here and I don't want to go back because she is the one I love so much if it wasn't for Iris cheating on me then I wouldn't have met my soulmate.

Cisco:yeah about Iris Barry she may or may not have come with me.

*Iris pops out of the breach*

Barry:are you kidding me Cisco why did you bring her here.

Babe calm down take a breather for a second we have to stay calm we can't let anger take control of us.

Barry:your right I can't let my anger take control of my actions.

Iris:Barry can you please come home to me to S.T.A.R labs and I hope we can rekindle our spark for us Barry.

Barry:No Iris I'm not going anywhere and I'm definitely not getting back together with you I already found the one I love here on this earth.

Iris:how Barry it's only been a month since out break up.

Actually a month for y'all is like 8 for me and I think Barry is staying here because of a girl.

Iris:And who are you exactly?.

Barry:Iris don't talk to my finance like that!.

Iris and kara:your what?.

Kara I was planning to propose tonight after the activities we had planned I didn't want to ruin the surprise for you i even had the perfect way of showing how much I loved you.

Babe that's so sweet I'm sorry that you had to ruin the surprise for tonight and as for my answer it's gonna be yes because you make me the happiest girl alive and I will be your wife one day probably in 6 months but I love you no matter how much people think that we aren't meant to be*looks at Iris*but I know we belong together I love you Barry Allen.

Barry:I love you too Kara danvers or Kara Zor-el because your an alien which
I think it's very cool.

Cisco and Iris:She's a what!.

Barry:She's an alien I don't care if y'all think an alien and a human don't belong together but we do and I love her til death maybe even 600 years after death too.

Babe what did I tell you about making my blush in public!.

barry:Sorry but I love you to much not to make you*walks over to Kara and kisses her*I love you danvers.

I love you too Bartholomew Henry Allen.

Cisco and Iris:She knows your full name!.

Barry:yea she does because we work together at the D.E.O and at catco which reminds me we have to be at work in 10 minutes Kara.

Oh shoot your right we need to get changed and shower as well so you grab Cisco and I grab Iris and they can stay in my apartment until we get home

Barry:alright is it OK with you guys.

Cisco and Iris:sure what time you get home?.

Barry:around 7 tonight.

Barry come on we have 5 minutes.

Barry:right let's go.

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