Nevah Allen

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Kara's pov

Well Barry I guess since little kara is 10 today we should throw her a nice party and invite everyone we can invite Alana and nevah since neither of them have been home for a year we can invite team flash team supergirl team arrow and the legends to visit.

Barry: you sure that's a lot of people to invite to our place and we need to relax for a few hours since we did just go to a meeting with Singh and got a job in forensic scientists and cat retired from catco and we no longer work there so why don't we take little kara to Disney for her birthday.

No Barry we are throwing her a party we are not neglecting her we threw parties for Alana and nevah so little kara is getting one too.

Barry: Chill Marley we will I was joking around with you I already had things ready to go for later.

Oh I didn't know you had things under control for her birthday party I want to know something first.

Barry: what do you wanna know queen Kara.

Well king Barry I want to know can we have date night next week on Friday night.

Barry: anything for you we just have to have someone here to babysit little kara.

Nevah: mom dad you home I need to talk to you.

Barry: yeah nevah we are in the room we will be with you in a minute.

Nevah: OK dad I will wait in the kitchen.

Ok baby just give us a sec we are discussing something.

Nevah: OK mama.

Barry: ok nevah? You never visited us what are you doing here by the way it is always good to see you baby we missed you.

Nevah: you did dad mom said that you wouldn't want to see me after I moved out.

Barry: Kara now why would you tell her that.

Because after Alana going to Dalton academy I thought you wouldn't want to see nevah and go all Sebastian Smythe on her.

Barry: Kara I went off on Alana I'm not going off on the two good children.

Nevah: I'm sorry two?

Oh crap Barry we didn't tell her about Kara.

Nevah: umm mom why are you talking about yourself in third person.

Barry: Nevah your mom didn't mean herself.

Little kara: mom dad where are you?

We are in the kitchen sweetie.

Little kara: mommy and daddy who is this person.

Nevah: mom dad why didn't you say I had a little sister.

Barry: we were about to but she interrupted me.

Anyways Nevah we are wondering if you come later on for a surprise for little kara.

Nevah: sure mom I will come and I will let everyone know for you.

Oh ok I will see you later.

Nevah: bye mom bye dad bye sis.


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