I Wonder.

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I wonder if she sees me staring at her when she's doing the simplest things no one seems to say thank you for.

I wonder if she knows when I see her smile it reminds me that the world will always contain beauty.

I wonder if she knows I still have the colony of butterflies in my stomach from the first time we spoke to each other.

I wonder if she knows I think of her a million and one times a day because she's the morphine my mind needs to make it through the day.

I wonder if she notices her skin is so soft and inviting my body wishes to rest there.

I wonder if she notices the consistency I try to provide to her and the promises I keep that she forgot I made.

I honestly wonder if she even notices she's perfect in every way. Even the flaws she thinks she has are more than ok.

I wonder if she notices her eyes are the oceans in which my soul dives deep to escape in blissful peace.

I wonder if she knows just how much I'll give her. I hope one day she asks.

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