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I don't own Naruto, but I do own Kira so theres that. Please enjoy the story and thank you for reading! 

"Wait! Dragons can read minds?!" Kira yelled shocked, she sat cross-legged in the clearing staring up at Kaida, practically begging her to tell her more about dragons.

'Yes, it is our way of speech. If we spoke like you humans, we would be found easier.' Kaida opened her mouth and let out a roar like sound, her dark crimson eyes stared down at Kira with amusement. Humans were always so curious.

"So can I read minds too?" Kaida gave her head a nod.

'With training you will be capable.' Kira's eyes widened in surprise. A large grin overlapping her face. Excitement bubbled deep in her stomach. She was going to learn how to read minds! This was awesome!

"When can we start? Can we start now?" She jumped up and down excitedly. Kaida blew a puff of smoke in the young girls face, annoyed.

'Calm yourself young one. For you humans it will require a great deal of concentration and patience. Wake now and go about your day. Tell no one of this. Practice amongst your friends.' Kaida instructed.

"But what if I get stuck?"

'I shall be there, do not fret.' The forest disappeared as soon as Kira opened her eyes. Staring up above at her ceiling. She's been doing much better when it comes to sleeping now. Being able to talk to Kaida helped immensely. Kaida told Kira about her kind, how she was quite rare.

Dragons are disappearing, those that remain are in hiding.

Kakashi knocked on Kira's door before entering. His mask down showing his handsome face. He gave his younger sister a smile glad to see she was awake.

"You get any sleep last night?" he asked softly like a concerned parent. Kakashi walked over to her bed, plopping down beside her.

"Yeah, I had the coolest dream where I got to see this really pretty lake surrounded by the woods." It wasn't a total lie. Every time she spoke with Kaida she would see the lake.

"I think that's your subconscious saying you want to go swimming." Kakashi mused smirking down at her. She was so small compared to him.

"Probably, why you wanna take us swimming?" She asked smirking hoping it would work. The group did need a good day to relax, but no. Kakashi had other plans for them.

"We got a mission today. Hopefully Sasuke and Naruto will stop arguing this time." He sighed standing up with her as she walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

"You know those two will fight all the god damn time." Kakashi let out a small sigh, squeezing in behind his sister looking into the mirror. Pulling up his mask so no one could see his face.

Kira stared at her brothers reflection as he fiddled with the mask to make sure it was secured in it's place. She tried concentrating, she figured why not try to read his mind, not like it would work.

She stared at the reflection concentrating on his head. Kakashi looked at her confused in the mirror, she never stares at him this long unless she was up to something. "Hm?"

She blinked a few times shaking her head.

"Spacing out, sorry bro bro." Kakashi shrugged leaning down he placed a kiss on her head before leaving the apartment. Kira gave herself a small pout at failing. She was new to this, of course it would take her some time.

'Patience child, you must have patience.' Kaida's voice echoed through her mind.

"I know that." She whispered.

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