Chapter 10

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There's so many lies going on. Why am I allowing myself to get involved with all this.
I know why actually, but I wish it didn't have to be like this.

I pull into the parking garage and park, turning my car off. I check my watch and count down the minutes; waiting for him to come.

My phone flashes with a text message:
(Amerie): Where are you? If you aren't back by the time I leave, I'll be at Katie's.

I quickly send an Okay; Putting my phone back up on the dash, I hear knocking on the window.

Rolling down my window a little bit, he passes through the gap an envelope.

Without a word, he nods and walks away into the distance.

Looking down at the envelope I wonder where it is sending us next.

Starting the car back up, I speed out of the parking garage and head back to the house.

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