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Liam set his bag down in the empty apartment, his robotics club ended later than usual, they had a competition coming up. He thought someone would be home by now, Arden was supposed to be at track practice since the season was starting. He stopped by the track team before he left and she was nowhere to be seen.

Liam texted his sister, telling her to please come home and then he decided to started on dinner.

By 8:30pm he sat at the counter, knee deep in calculus homework when Arden walked through the door.

"Ary, hey where were you?"

She smiled at him, "just busy."

He nodded, "I made dinner," he said optimistically, "I'm getting way better at the sauce!"

"I'm not that hungry, thanks Li I'm just gonna head to bed. Goodnight."

Liam's smile fell, without another word he turned back to his notebook.

Olivia walked in ours later, Liam was laying on the couch slowly falling asleep. She walked over to him and sat down running her fingers through his hair. He looked up at his mom, "Hi."

"Hey sweetheart, sorry I'm late."

He sat up and rubbed his eyes, "it's okay, I had a lot of homework."

Olivia nodded and walked over to the kitchen, starting up the microwave.

"Where's your sister?"


"Did she go to track practice?" Liv asked, getting her plate out and walking over to sit next to Liam, who shook his head no.

"You two haven't seen eachother for a week you know that right?"

Olivia felt guilty hearing those words.

"I know Liam. Work is just-"

"Busy yeah I know."

The two sat in silence, while Olivia ate. Both of them had a lot to say but they both didn't know how to form the words. So instead the woman turned to her son and smiled, this sauce is really good today."

(AN: Wow it's been a minute. Don't know if anyone still reads these so I might have to delete it. Let me know if you're still interested?)

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