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Arden's leg bounced up and down as she sat in the uncomfortable grey waiting room chairs.

Olivia was across the room on the phone with Amanda about a case.

The teenager secretly hoped the squad needed Olivia back at the precinct so that they could leave the current situation. They were sat in a therapists waiting room. It took a lot of convincing from Olivia to get Arden to agree to it. And the doctor suggested that Olivia and Arden attended a few of the sessions together since they experienced the trauma together.

Olivia hung up the phone and walked back towards her daughter, "do they need you back?" Arden asked hiding the hopeful tone.

"No, they were just updating me on the case."


"Are you-"

The door leading to the office opened up and the doctor waved at the mother and daughter.

"I'm ready when you are," she smiled. Olivia and Arden followed her in, taking a seat on the bright blue couch against the wall.

Arden zoned out through the introductions and focused her attention on the two birds that flew around the tree outside of the window.


Once she snapped out of her daze she quickly turned her head towards the doctor, "hmm?"

"I asked if you'd like to start with anything? If you're not comfortable talking about that night we could talk about school or anything that comes to mind?"

She was sweet Arden thought. "Uh I'm okay."

Doctor Addison smiled, "alright, what about you Olivia?"

And this time Arden forced herself to focus on anything but what her mother was saying. She just had to get through an hour. Just one hour.

The car ride back home was silent until they stopped in front of the apartment building. Arden quickly slid her backpack over her shoulder ready to get out when Liv placed her hand softly on her daughters shoulder to stop her, "Arden, I want you to know I'm really proud of you for today."

Arden frowned, "but you did all of the talking."

"Just going in is a big step," Liv smiled.

"Thanks mom. See you tonight?"

Liv nodded, "I'll bring pizza home."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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