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After Liams outburst Olivia walked into her room, attempting to hide her sobs as she laid across her bed. Her knuckles clenched a pillow in frustration as her emotions all flowed out.

He was right. She knew he was right. That's why it hurt so much. Another sob left her mouth, muffled by the pillow.

There was a soft knock on the door. She tried her best to regain her composure as the door was slowly pushed open.

"Mom." Olivia turned to face the teenager standing in the doorway.

"I'm so sorry," Liam whispered through his tears. Liv motioned for him to come closer, he walked over to her and she quickly wrapped him in a tight hug.

They stayed like this for a few moments.

"Let's go clean this up now?" Liv gestured to the blood. Liam nodded and followed.

Arden was still in the bathroom. Liv carefully cleaned up Liams face, "Liam, can you just explain to me what happened please?"

He sighed, "I went to get her from that house, she was passed out. I tried waking her up, I asked Leo what she took and he just- just laughed. I said I was gonna call the cops and he lost it. I fought back but," he shrugged his shoulders.

He winced slightly as the rubbing alcohol made contact with his open skin.

Arden made her way to the livingroom. Sitting down next to her brother on the couch while Olivia went to put away the first aid kit.

She leaned her head onto Liams shoulder, "I'm sorry Liam."

Liam placed his arm around her shoulder.

"Everything is okay Ari. Everything is okay."

Liv stood back for a moment watching them with a heavy heart.

"Arden are you okay? You seem a little pale."

The teenage girl look up at her mother and shook her head, "just a bit nauseous."

Liam got up, "I'll get you some water." And Olivia took this time to sit down next to Arden, searching her mind for what to say. Nothing seemed like the right thing to say. Instead Arden turned to her mother with a sigh, "I'm sorry I cause all of this."

"Like your brother said, everything is going to be okay sweetheart."

And suddenly it felt as though a weight that had been hanging over Livs shoulders had lifted. It was time for healing.

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