Cobalt Blue

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Olivia raced into the twelfth precinct. A deep look of worry plastered on her face.

"Im lieutenant Benson. I was called here."

The man at the front desk nodded and slid over a file. "You'll have to pay his bail lieutenant."

"What did he do? And where is my daughter?" Olivia was so confused and concerned.

"Your daughter is back there sobering up. Your son is under charges of assault" He pointed to an empty office. Olivia nodded and took out her wallet.

The uniform walked her over to the holding cells. Liam sat in the darkest corner of his cell, he slowly made his way out, head down.

"Liam," Olivia began, he looked up, face bloodied and bruised. He's hand was swollen and his knuckles were purple. He didn't say a word. Leo appeared out of the shadows of the second cell. He gripped the bars as he watched Liam walk out. Olivia saw Leo and her blood boiled. She knew he had a part in this.

Liam waited by the front desk while Olivia went to get Arden. "You did the right thing tonight kid, helping your sister," the man then looked around and smiled, "don't tell anyone I said that."

"Thanks," Liam mumbled.

Arden was silent and groggy. Her eyes were brimming with tears ready to spill. She didn't know who to blame for her anger and hurt. Her head was throbing and the look on Olivia's face made it worse.

Olivia looked confused and hurt. She didn't understand what had happened but she needed to get her children home immediately. How did she let it get this bad?

The family drove home in silence. Although their minds were loud. To avoid talking about the situation for as long as she could, Arden walked straight to the bathroom to shower. Olivia didn't question it or object, she'd learned by now that Arden used hot showers as a coping mechanism in difficult situations.

Liam leaned against the kitchen counter with his head down. Olivia reached out to asses the damage but he pushed her hand away, "don't touch me."

"Liam I-"

"No!" He sneered, "you don't get to try and fix it now that it's to late! Not when you could have fixed it long ago Olivia," he wiped blood from his lip on the back of his hand.

"I don't...I don't know what happened in that house with that horrible man but it killed her inside! And you just watched and let it happen! And now look where we are!"

His words burnt his throat but he couldn't stop himself.

Olivia felt tears spill over her cheeks, she knew he was right. And that hurt like hell.

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