Thirteen.......Zach Buhlington

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Flashback.......Riley's POV

It was Thursday, and Brayden was still not talking to me. I had asked him several times what was wrong but he didn't give me an answer.

I had once asked his sister, who was a grade lower than me if there was anything wrong in their house, but she said no. On the contrary, Brayden had been behaving fine at home.

Something was wrong and I had a feeling it was me. So after school, I decided I would talk to him. When the bell went for school over, people came rushing out of their classes.

There was a soccer match today. Brayden was going to be a sub for this match so I had time to talk to him, but it was limited. I caught sight of him some distance away from my locker talking to John, his teammate. I was about to go when a tall figure blocked my path. I looked up.


He liked me, but I didn't like him back and he was also a big jerk. On Monday, he tried to kiss me, but I pushed him off. He had made some advances before that, but that was the closest.

He was a rich spoilt kid and also the captain of the soccer team.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"I just wanted to ask how you were doing.". Seriously, just stupid him.

I glanced to see Brayden looking at us with a angry look. Was that what all this was about? Zach. Did he know of what Zach almost did?

"Look I don't have time for this.", I said and wanted to go when he grabbed my arm and drew me back, his nails piercing my skin. "Let go of me.", I said through gritted teeth.

"And if I don't.", he said, tightening his grip.
"Let go of me.", I said, my tone higher.

Suddenly he was yanked away from me. I turned just in time to see Caleb land a punch on his jaw.
"What part of stay away from her did you not understand.", Caleb yelled and a small group of people had already gathered.

I hated attention like this.
"C'mon Caleb, he's not worth it.", I said and pulled Caleb away. Since that day, Zach had never bothered me again.

Present Day

I entered the hospital. I didn't need to ask the nurse because I knew where his ward was. I knocked lightly and entered. Jessie was playing gently with his hair. He looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"Caleb.", I said and went to hug him. I held back my tears. " are you feeling now?", I asked.
"Tired but better."
"We were all worried sick about you.", I said.

Jessie must have sensed that we would need some time together so she excused herself.

"You needed this rest.", I said and he rubbed his face with his hands tiredly.
"But now I have two times my normal work to do.", he said.

After the accident, I stayed with Jessie for a while and she told me about Caleb working extra hard. Sometimes he would come home very late and would even shout at her for the littlest of things.

From all she had told me, I was shocked. He hardly related to his kids. He would always be gone before they woke up and arrived when they would have slept.

"Ansel doesn't even work like this.", I said with a little frustration in my tone.
"That's because he already has a company with branches in various parts of the world, so he doesn't have to be as uptight as some of us down here.", he said.

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