Fourteen.......Relationship Status: Improved

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Flashback.......Riley's POV

I had come back from school for the Easter break. I was at home on the couch surfing through channels to find something to watch. Everywhere was boring. I would have gone to stay at Brayden's, but he travelled along with his family.

My dad came down.
"Hey, kiddo! Whatcha doing."
"Nothing everywhere is boring."
"And Brayden?", he asked.
"He travelled.", I said

I was happier with the situation of the house. Theresa along with her obnoxious daughter, Daphne and her son Derrick had also travelled.

They had travelled to visit Theresa's mum. Dad had insisted that we follow them, but apparently, Theresa's mum didn't want us at her house. So we stayed since we had nowhere to travel to.

Caleb came out from the kitchen.
"I'm done, Riley, the money.", he said, and I bit my lip.

Dad was not meant to know that. He didn't like the fact that I would pay Caleb for doing my chores. He said I was tricking and taking advantage of him.

"Riley, how many times have I told you not to pay your brother for doing your chores..."
"I know, I know but....", Caleb always comes up saying that he had no problem with it, and it was so cheap

"But. ..", he egged on.
"Hey Dad, can we go watch a movie.", I said in a bad attempt to change the topic. He gave me a sour look and I just sank into the couch.

"Yeah Dad, please. It's because we didn't have anything to do that was why I brought up the issue of her paying me, but I promise we would never..... if you allow us to go see a movie." Caleb said.

"Yes Dad, if you allow us, we would never trade with chores again.", I insisted, more like pleaded. His expression softened and I could see he was buying into the idea.

He just needed a little push.

"And I would do the dishes till forever to show that I'm sorry.", I said and he smiled a funny smile.
"Okay.", he said and grabbed the keys.

He was my dad, he would forget. But sadly, after we came back he reminded me. It didn't stop there. After every dish we had, he would remind me.

Ugh! Why did I push my luck?

Present Day

I woke up with an ache in my stomach. I was hungry. I turned to see that I was in the room. How did I.....oh I fainted.

I looked around to see if there was any tray of food, but sadly there wasn't any. The door opened and Ansel walked in with a tray of food.

Finally!!! I mentally screamed.

I eagerly looked at the food. The moment he dropped it, I said a quick thank you and dived in.

"Wow. You seem hungry.", he said and I just mhmed him. "Is it nice?", he asked.
"Mhm.", I muttered.

"Well I made it.", he said and for the first time, I looked away from the food, to stare at him whether he was saying the truth.
"Lie.", I muttered with food in my mouth but swallowed. "That's a lie.", I repeated.

"Nope.", he said popping the p. "You can ask Cecilia.", he said.
"B..but it's so good.", I said and continued eating.
"You like it?", he asked.
"Hmm. I love it.", I said.

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