Thirty-Four.......May's Wedding

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I can't believe I'm saying this. Our lovely journey is slowly coming to an end, there's like two more chapters left.

It had been three days. I had spent three days in the hotel cooped up in my room and only opened the door for room service.

But now I guess I was past that stage. I wanted air, fresh air. My heart still ached because Ansel had been calling and leaving voicemails, all of which I deleted immediately.

I had sent a text to Paloma telling her to finish up with the wedding hall. She had called after but I decided not to answer knowing my voice would betray me even if I said I was fine.

I had also sent one to May assuring her that I was fine and that I had just not been feeling well. I was glad she took it without further questioning.

Thursday, I decided to go to work. My annual leave was to start after the wedding this time so I at least had to go. I just hoped Martina would have calmed down.

On my way, I saw a restaurant,  PARIS IN AMERICA and I immediately remembered when Ansel took me there, the memory tugging painfully at my heart.

I started remembering other things and it hurt just to think about it. After willing some tears away, I realized I needed a break from the city even. I needed a change of environment. I wasn't sure where but I had made up my mind to leave after May's wedding.

When I arrived, people were looking at me and whispering as if I had done the most despicable things. I had just missed some days of work, how bad could it be?

"That was very unethical of you. Very!", Martina yelled.

Scratch what I said earlier, it was very bad. Apparently, Martina was still very pissed. My absent days had even gotten her in a more sour mood.

She complained about various things but mainly about the elementary school project which I had failed to submit before the deadline, therefore causing us to lose the project and we had to pay back the advance they had given us.

"And I know why you decided to come today. Your annual leave.", she said coolly as she sat down after all her complaining. "Am I right?", she asked but I couldn't answer.

"Riley, I am very pissed. Paloma tried to explain saying something was wrong.", she sighed heavily.

"Though I'm very sure you won't tell me so I won't bother asking. I'll let you go. You don't even have to work today. It's fine, but this would cost you half your salary. We can't afford to lose so much money.", she paused. "See you in July.", she said.

"I'm sorry for the trouble Martina. I just wasn't feeling...", I stopped, seeing no reason in forming an excuse. What I did was wrong and not justifiable. "But I'll make it up when I come back.", I said and left.

When I came out the people outside her office sharply returned to their computers looking busier than usual, it was obvious they had been listening in.

Without saying a word to anyone I left. I didn't even try to see Paloma or Parker or Blaire, I just left.

Soon, it was the day before the wedding and there was a bachelorette party. I had eased up and some colour and life had finally returned to me.

I also spoke with May and I made sure to dismiss anything about Ansel, she looked at me cautiously but luckily she didn't ask.

We had fun at the party. I couldn't drink because of my situation which no one was aware of and I wanted to keep it that way. The party was so nice. I had a great time with May and I almost forgot about Ansel. Almost.

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