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Enjoy the party
Afterwards everyone is dead
Except you
You shall be crying
Crying over their bodies instead

A huge ballroom
Filled with people
I'm in the middle
My hands clingy from sweat
But that doesn't bother me
It's the moving shadows
That I don't get

I'm present
But not entirely there
Nobody even shows to care
I only dare to stare
At the people that surround me

They laugh and have fun
But I have a sickening feeling
In my bones and my chest
It's aching everywhere
In the hope to find something
I look up to the ceiling

Enjoy the party
Afterwards everyone is dead
Except you
You shall be crying
Crying over their bodies instead

While the lights dim
The shadows grow bigger
They dance with the light
And it's kind of beautiful
I stare at them
To admire their souplesse

Just like flies
They never come too close to the light
Instead, they hide
In between the crowd
I hear them whisper
They say that people are too loud
They must shut they're mouths

Enjoy the party
Afterwards everyone is dead
Except you
You shall be crying
Crying over their bodies instead

The lights are shut down
I hear braised cries and screams
My socks in my shoes become soggy
While I rub my eyes
In the hope to see anything
Anything at all

But the darkness feels cold against my skin
And the blindness is embracing
It keeps me safe from what my eyes will see
My hearing ruins the hugging safety of blindness
And frightens me

Enjoy the party
Afterwards everyone is dead
Except you
You shall be crying
Crying over their bodies instead

When the lights turn on
My mind shuts down
A scream from the deepest place of my soul
Forms on my lips

My suit is red from blood
And my eyes cry tears
Tears of the deep red fluid
That runs though my veins and fears

Enjoy the party
Afterwards everyone is dead
Except you
You shall be crying
Crying over their bodies instead

"You killed them all,
Kill me too" I beg the shadows
They merge into one
It's the one that's attached to my body
It's the only thing that I'll never lose
"But love, we killed them,
Because we want you to be happy"

"Loneliness is what makes you happy,
So now you can be alone.
Together with me
Look at all the things we could do and be"

Together with my shadow
I can never escape it
It's always there

There's no choice
But still I hear my voice
"I can't be alone,
I am with you.
Kill me,
I can't bare these deaths,
This blood on my hands."

"Love, I can't kill you.
I'll still be alive,
Stuck to you
In your grave."

"So please
Enjoy the party
Afterwards everyone is dead
Except you
You shall be crying
Crying over their bodies instead."

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