Chapter 9 - Magic

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The monotone sound of sword swings were resounding throughout the garden. The flowers already stopped blooming but colorful leaves littered the ground. Ever since my fight with Argent I started practicing the sword again. Working on my new stance, which relies on complete flexibility. I found it lacking in some aspects and found myself in a slump.

The concept is fine but there is something missing.

"Hey you swordmaniac, what's up?"
Teasingly grinning Argent walked up to me.
"Nothing much, what about you, study geek."
"Can you blame me? I am supposed to be the new emperor. And I have been slacking so much the past year. Catching up with all the materials is sort of hard."
He started gazing into the air as of reminiscing about the past.
"Everything was so easy, back then when I was a good for nothing..."
"You mean two weeks ago?"
"Shush. Don't break my beautiful daydream."

A sigh escaped my mouth, as I was thinking about the hopeless future our country has with this being the next emperor.

Ignoring this idiot, I started practicing the sword again.

Suddenly Argent snapped out of his thoughts and said: "I forgot. I came here to tell you something."

Are you like... Actually retarded. You legit just stayed next to me for full fifteen minutes thinking about your NEET days.

Not showing the slightest hint of my inner thoughts on my face I answered:
"Are you like... Actually retarded. You legit just stayed next to me for full fifteen minutes thinking about your good for nothing days."
"So about what I wanted to tell you."

He is freaking ignoring me...

"Actually I was supposed to tell you this last week... But I sort of started to fight with you instead. Hahaha." He was averting his eyes from me. Probably to avoid my death glare.
"So what is it?" Urging him to continue. He took a few steps back.
"Uhm... Today is supposed to be your first magic lesson and I came to get you."

Magic. Just this world filled me with excitement. I got so hyped up that I didn't even realise that Argent was covering in fear I would hit him because he delayed the news for a full week even tho we see us on daily basis.

At the age of five you can theoretically start learning magic, since your magic power manifests at this age. The amount of magical energy(mana) one has is determined by lineage. If the parents have a huge mana pool their descends will most likely have a huge mana pool as well. The amount of mana you have can not be changed, but you can improve your control over it. Someone with a high mana capacity but bad control could be defeated by someone with exceptional control but low mana capacity. But those with high mana capacity have it way easier learning magic. Since they can use more magic, their proficiency rises rapidly. On the other hand someone with low mana capacity takes longer to train their proficiency.

You might say this is not fair. And yes it is not. Life has never been fair, so why should it be here. But that's just how life is. Im getting sidetracked here. What I wanted to say is, that I will start learning magic!

Usually any type of magic lesson starts at the age of seven, because your elemental affinity gets set at your seventh birthday.

But royalty already starts learning magic at five. Even tho they only learn about non elemental magic like body strengthing or impact, which are considered mostly useless if you compare it to elemental magic, it still gives you practical expiriences with magic and improves your mana control.

And since I'm considered royalty I will also start learning magic! Even tho it's one year late.

Seeing that I was lost in my own world Argent rolling his eyes started to drag me towards the royal magic teacher.

After walking for, what felt like an eternity, we finally reached the magic practice room. Surprisingly the teacher was female. Brunette hair brown eyes and a voluptuous body, but with a stern face she greeted us.

"So you are my new student."
"Yes, mam!" I eagerly nodded not being able to hold my excitement.
Seeing my conduct she was taken aback.
"Wow, that's a huge contrast to our crown prince right here. He is so unethusia usually tries to skip our lessons. Even tho he is so talented in magic", she said as she was acusingly looking at Argent, who in response averted his line of sight.

This is all and good teacher, but I really don't care. So could you please start the magic lessons already.

As If she was sensing my impatience she turned towards me and said.

"I am Maria. Nice to meet you Cemre. You cannot expect me to go easy on you just because you are considered royalty. So you better prepare yourself."


To sum up the magic lesson. There is three types of magic. Colorless Magic, Elemental Magic and Spirit Magic. Colorless magic describes magic without attributes.
The magic that falls under this category is the kind of magic where you utilize raw mana. Body strengthening is a good example. You cover your body in mana, which in turn makes it sturdier. But it does not make it stronger or faster. To achieve those effects you need to use Elemental Magic. Another example for Colorless Magic would be impact. Impact is a spell where you send shock waves of mana towards your opponent. Those can be strong. But for the amount of damage it does it is way to mana inefficient. There are also other spells for Colorless Magic, but in general Colorless Magic is consider practice magic. Nothing more and nothing less.

Elemental Magic describes mana infused by elements. The element one can use is set in stone and manifests at the age of seven. Once your affinity is known there is noway to change it. There are six elements and every element got their expertise.
Water is flexibility.
Earth is defense.
Fire is power.
Wind is agility.
Light is purifying.
Darkness is deceiving.

Spirit Magic is mostly used by elves and humans don't know much about it. What they do know is that you borrow the power of spirits to create a phenomenon.

Those are the three systems of magic and tomorrow I'll be practicing Colorless Magic. I'm already looking forward to it.

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