He Is NOT The King

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I walked around the palace four days after the emotional fight, trying to get my mind off of Loki's three day disappearance. I walked past the throne room, only to see Loki talking to Sif and the Warriors Three. I never really got to know any of them well, but I did know Loki liked Sif. Anyway, they were talking to Loki saying they had an urgent matter to discuss with the king (Odin, I presume).

“You can take your urgent matter to me.” Loki told them, pointing at himself. He couldn’t help but smirk seeing me spying from the doorway, “Is Lady Luna with your party as well or is she here to speak with her king?”

“To talk, my king.” I smirked back and in the process received a dirty look from Sif for calling Loki ‘my king’. "Sif, he is the king. He is now your king. Odin can no longer perform his duty and you can no longer call him king since that duty cannot be fulfilled.

The Warrior’s Three and Sif then started to leave and as they did Sif whispered in my ear, “He is not the king. Odin is. Know where your loyalty lies. Stop letting him seduce you. He’ll only get what he wants that way.” The doors closed.

Yeah right, I thought.

“Long time no see.” I approached him

“Do you not kneel to your king?” Loki spread his legs about and leaned on his new scepter 

“I do not, dear Loki.”

“Now I am ‘dear Loki’?” he asked standing, “Why the sudden change?”

“Why did you disappear for three days?”

“I was in Jotunheim. I had... business to attend to.”

“What kind of business?”

“Destroy and conquer. The agenda of kings.” He sat back down

“Oh, how innocent and pure a king you are.” I paced around him liked he paced around me months before.

“Why are you asking so many questions?”

“Why are you answering so few of them?”

He pulled me onto his lap and gently gave me a kiss on the cheek, “Because I am Loki. I prefer to be quizzical; I am the god of mischief aren’t I?”

I laughed, “Oh really? How mischievous can you get?”

It was his turn to laugh and it echoed through the room, “It depends, little pet.”

“Like scorpions in the boots? Shrunk and dyed cape?”

He laughed again, “I thought you were talking about something else.”

“If you think I was asking you out to… that..." I glanced at his playful smile, "… you have another thing coming.” I smirked

“I do?” he jokingly questioned and kissed me again, lightly on the lips.

“So my king, what are you going to do?” I mocked

“What ever do you mean?”

“I mean. How will you help the kingdom?”

“Not with a tight fist but I’ll make it better I assure you.”

“Will you have a queen?” Sif entered carrying a battle axe

“No,” Loki frowned, “I will have an army. That is all I need.”

Sif smirked at me and then turned to walk away, axe slung over her shoulder.

“Sif, why are you asking me, your king, such question?”

“I-“ it was my turn to smirk at Sif, “I was just wondering.”

"And why are you here?" Loki asked annoyed, "Trying to rescue my brother?"

"If only." Sif clenched her teeth

"It pains you that he's taken interest in another woman. Doesn't it." He smiled a wicked grin as she griminced in pain. The hand that she couldn't see snaked it's way to my lower back and rested there. I jumped slightly started.

"Whatever your brother chooses to do is not my concern." Sif turned her back on us, gritting her teeth

“Leave me.” Loki waved her away

“As you wish, Jotun.” Sif turned and walked away

Loki got pale and stood up, making me fall from his lap onto the ground. He walked out of the throne room leaving me on the floor. 

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