The Next Step

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A/N: I'm not really the biggest fan of writing date scenes but if y'all want their next date I can totally give it a shot

And for real I have no idea how to end this story so any suggestions are good

ALso I was tipsy writing this so forewarning.


"Where in the sweet christ am I going to take her on a date?" Camila screeched.

Lauren had left early the next morning to meet Normani and Ally for brunch and Camila had instantly called Dinah over.

"Girl, you could take Lauser to McDonald's and she'd be happy." Dinah sighed, looking thoughtful before shaking her head, "Just don't do that."

"Why's this so hard?" Camila whined, flopping onto her bed as Dinah rooted through her closet.

"Because you actually like her." Dinah called over her shoulder. Camila nodded and tucked her hands under her head.

"That's true. I want it to be special you know? And where none of my exes can interrupt." Camila grumbled.

"So the moon?" Dinah snickered. Camila reached behind her and grabbed one of her pillows, chucking it at Dinah's back and smiling when it landed perfectly.

"Do you want help or not?" Dinah sighed, turning around with her hands on her hips.

"For the love of God. Please." Camila groaned, throwing her arm over her eyes. Dinah smirked and turned back to her closet.

"Are you and Mani still fighting?" Camila asked, leaning up on her elbows. Dinah stuttered in her search but refused to turn around.

"Uh yeah." She replied casually.

"Have you spoken to her?" Camila pried once more. Dinah sighed and sat down amidst Camila's clothes.

"No. I haven't." Dinah mumbled. Camila sat up fully and looked at Dinah with a frown.

"Really? It's been like three days." Camila pointed out.

"And no. I haven't seen her." Dinah snapped. "She's mad because I helped you after your little relapse."

"Seriously? That's why you're not talking to each other?" Camila said with a raised eyebrow.

"Lauser told me she's upset that I always help you; that despite our history I should've stayed with her." Dinah sighed.

"I'm sure she understands that we're basically family." Camila said slowly.

"But she's my girlfriend." Dinah said, throwing her hands up in the air, "Surely she understands it better than anyone."

"Maybe she's not used to sharing you." Camila suggested.

"Or she's just annoyed that I'm more loyal to you than her." Dinah groaned.

"Loyalty isn't the issue," Camila argued, "Maybe she just wants to know you've got her back as much as you have mine. That you care about her just as much."

Dinah fell silent, mulling over Camila's words with a frown. She groaned and put her head in her hands.

"Fuck I hate it when you're right."


The date had gone swimmingly.

A perfect time at the museum. Walking along through the different exhibits, arm in arm, felt like a dream to both of them.

Particularly how they snuck off for a good ten minutes in the prehistoric exhibit to make out behind a dinosaur display.

But now Camila had come to drop Lauren off at her apartment, walking her to her front door like a true gentlewoman.

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