chapter four

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Jumper and Katie looked around seeing Jack was missing, they shrugged it off thinking he might have gone to the restroom. Les yawned, getting Davey's attention. "I should probably get him home." He said. "Yeah, good bye Les. See ya 'round Davey." Jumper said, waving as they walked out of the theater. Jumper was watching the Bowery Beauties, briading Katie's hair absentmindedly. She heard Jack talking. "Well hello again." He said. She looked over to see his feet disappear on to the balcony. "This is a private box." A girl said, Jumper and Katie recognized it as the girl from early. She pulled herself up on the opposite side of the box, peeking in. "If ya wanna ya should have locked the door. Two times in one day; yous think it's fate." Jack said leaning against the railing watching the show, glancing at the girl. "Go away, I'm working." Katherine said, writing in her notebook. "Oh, a workin' goil, doin' what?" Jack asked looking over at her. "Reviewing the show for the New York Sun." Katherine replied. "No way I work of the World." Jack said. "Somewhere out there someone cares. Go tell them." Katherine said, pointing out from the box. "Can you please leave so I can focus?" Kathrine asked politely. Katie looked up at Jumper, curious as to what she was watching. "Why would I do that? The views better up here." He said looking the girl up and down. "Please go, I'm not in the habit of talking to strangers." She said, watching the show. Jack huffed a laugh. "Your gonna make one lousy reporter. The name's Jack Kelly" He said, moving closer to her. Jumper lowered herself down some to where she couldn't be seen. "Is that what it says on your rap sheet?" She shot back at him. "Oh, a smart girl." Jack said, leaning over to her. "I admire smart girls. Smart, beautiful, independent." He said in a Faraway voice. "Do you mind!" The red head shouted, holding the notepad up to her chest. "Hey quite down up there!" A older man yelled, hitting the side with his cane. "You got in for free! At least pay attention!" Mrs. Medda yelled. Jack leaned over the side and whispered. "Sorry Mrs. Medda." He said. The older woman just smiled at him. Jumper watched as Jack pulled out a newspaper and started to write or draw something on it. Katie sighed softly as she walked closer to the girl.

" I've got no use for moonlight
Or sappy poetry
Love at first sights for suckers
At least it used to be
Look, girls are nice
Once or twice
'Till I find someone new
But I never planned on a no one like you."

Jack sang as he sketched, stealing glances at Katherine which showed Jumper that he was drawing her. Jumper looked down.

" I have no use for moonlight
Or sappy poetry
Love at first sight's for suckers
At least it used to be."

Katherine looked over at Jack. "What are you doing?" She asked him, standing up. "Quite down. There's a show going on." Jack said, holding the paper to his chest to where she couldn't see it. "You are the most impossible boy-" She started in a normal voice before Jack shushed her. "Ever." She ended in a whisper. He shooed her away. She rolled her eyes sitting down and watching the show.

" No, I never planned
On no one like you."

Jack finished singing and started to climb down. He stopped and tipped his hat. She walked over and saw the newspaper. She picked it up to where Jumper could see, she saw the picture of Katherine, it was beautiful. Jumper got down and started to walk away, Katie following. Mrs. Medda reached out grabbing her arm. "Where you going? Snyder is out there." Jumper looked over at her. "I'll take my chances." She said, walking out. Katie hugged her arms around her, no way was she going out there

She ran as fast as she could to the lodging house. She walked in a curled up in her bed. "Jump?" A tired, raspy voice called. She sat up and looked over to see Elmer. "Yes Elm?" She asked. "You okay?" He asked walking over. She nods. He sat down beside her bed. "Where's Jack?" He asked her. "Probably still at Mrs. Medda's. Snyder was after us again." She explained. He nodded and went to stand up. After remembering Snyder she didn't feel safe. She reached out, grabbing the boys hand. "Please stay." She said in a quiet voice. He looked at the girl with his sweet brown eyes and nodded. He laid down, pulling her close to him. "Just try to sleep Jump, I got you." He whispered to her. She nods curling up. She feel asleep in his arms, feeling safe and protected. She wasn't concerned about going home to her brothers

~next day~

"Them fire sirens, kept me wake all night." Race said in a tired voice. "Sirens are like lullabies to me. The louder they wail the better the headline. The better the headline the I eat. The better I eat-" Mush started to say. "The further from you I sleep." Race said cutting him off. "Race, play nice." Jumper told the blonde, in a slight warning voice. He flashed her a crooked grin.  "Anything for you darlin'." He said with a wink. "Mornin' everybody, sorry we're late. We had to help our mom with something." Davey said as they walked up. "They got a mother. I was gonna get me one." Race said. "What happened to the one you had?" Romeo asked the boy. "He traded her for cigars." Albert said. "Theys were Coronas." Race said gabbing Albert jokingly in the chest. "Ooohhhh oookkkayy." Mush said, rolling his eyes. "We got a father too." Les said proudly. Jumper smiled at the young boy. "Oh, a mother and a father." Race said sarcastically. Hobble gently, elbowed him.

"So, how's it going today?" Les asked. "Ask me when they put up the headline." Albert said, looking up at the board. "Hey! They're puttin' up the headline!" Jumper yelled, voice holding some excitement, catching the boys attention. The other boys ran over. The headline was written. '60 cents for a hundred papers' "Awww come on!" JoJo exclaimed at the new price. Jumper growled slightly, tossing a glare at her brother who just gave her a smirk. Jack walked in. "What are you standing around for?" Jack asked. "Jack get a look at this." Albert said.
"I'll be sleeping on the streets." Crutchie said. Finch looked at him. "You already sleep on the streets." He pointed out. "In a worse neighborhood." Crutchie said. "Yeah right." JoJo said, nodding.  "Uh, I can't afford that!" Race said, angrily. Jumper groaned, she felt so bad for the boys since she wasn't as bad off, Katie walked up, gasping when she saw the headline. "Papes! Papes for the Newsies!" Wiesel shouted, walking over to the stand. "Relax, guys it has to be a gag." Jack said, he walked up to Wiesel. "Good joke, Wiesel; you really got the fellas goin'. I'll take a hundred." He placed down fifty cents. "That will be sixty." Wiesel said. Jack looked at him in disbelief. "I ain't paying no sixty." Jack said. "We'll make away for someone who will." Wiesel said. "We'll you bet. Me and the fellas will hike up to the Journal." Jack said, angrily. "Yeah!" The Newsies agree. "I'll save you the hike." Specs said coming up. "They raised their price, too." Jack looked at him. "Well we'll bring out business to the Sun." Wiesel laughed slightly. "All over town. New day, new prices." He said.

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