15| Sorry Sorry

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"Please, tell me she's joking," I begged Michael, looking at him with big green eyes. "Tell me!"

Michael encricled his hand around mine in a reassuring gesture. "I'm afraid not, Keller."

As if she's rescuing him, Kimberly pulled my hand away from his, patting it gently like a mom.

"Keller babes," she cooed blithely, "everything's going to be all right, yeah? There is absolutely, positively nothing to worry about."

I wanted to cry. Seriously. I could tell that Kimberly was a girl like Viv combined with Fred, which was worse! What if I just closed my eyes and imagined that I was invisible? Like I was not at the party at all? That could work!

And so I tried it.

Being invisible, I mean. It wasn't so hard, but then an upbeat music began to pump into everyone's ears, the bass so loud, I could tell the house was shaking.

People's voices became louder and louder, and when I heard Kimberly yell out, "Let's all play a game for some little fun, shall we?" I thought I was going to puke. I thought I might actually die.

I thought I was going to die because I was going to play that stupid game once again.

Everyone bellowed a hearty agreement toward the suggestion that Kimberly told them. Michael felt me tense beside him, so he wrapped and arm around me and rubbed my arm soothingly. I felt a little okay -- until Kimberly popped out an empty bottle of champagne.

I was overreacting, I know, but what would you do? Wasn't it so weird that me and Michael were somehow interlaced with Seven Minutes in Heaven all the time?

First at Viv's party then that stupid storage room at school; then, in Michael's room and now, this. What the freak is wrong with the world?

"Gather round, people," Kimberly beckoned, waving the bottle in the air. "Breath mints will be passed and lipglosses will be given to the ladies."

I thought she was kidding but then hired models came in with trays of strong breath mints and Chanel lipglosses all around the gigantic living room in Kimberly's family mansion.

When a model came up to me to offer the mints and a elegant and pretty tube of lipgloss, I literally snapped. The stick thin model scurried away, looking at me with frightened blue eyes over her shoulder.

I realised that Michael had been gone when I'd done this but when I saw him again, he was holding eight mints in his hand, and in the other was the lipgloss.

"What, you're using lipgloss now?" I snapped, glaring at the breath mints and Chanel. "The next thing I'll know, you're going to borrow my makeup!"

Michael stared at me with a raised eyebrow, unblinking. "We might as well play along, Keller. We have no choice. I told you Kimberly doesn't take the word 'no' for an answer."

I clenched my teeth.

He was standing in front of me, while I was sitting down American Indian style where my legs were folded together.

He only laughed, offering the mints. "Four for you; same for me. Oh, and your free lipgloss."

"It's a free Chanel."

"All the better, right?"

He sat beside me. Most of the people were struggling not to look at us, but they failed. So now, Michael and I were the artwork of the party. Or in my case, we were like the two gladiators in the colosseum while the spectators were...well...spectating us.

Crushing on Royalty (The Cuttings #1) [To Be Reconstructed]Where stories live. Discover now