Chapter 8

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Note: Today's chapter is three hundred words shorter, I'm so sorry! Next chapter will be better with porn <3

Asato Anders might be one of those people that are suck in lying, and he wonders if not saying anything at all is called lying too? His life wasn't easy, he had to work hard for his mother's hospital bills, but then she passed away, he quit ballet and lost interest in any other hobbies since then. Because every time he look at those toe shoes on his shelf and that small ballet studio that he always passed by on the way home from work, remind him of that day. The day he lost his beloved mother.

His life is so much more easier now, he has food and a proper shelter, friends and now someone he had come to loved.

Damian Knight knows everything about Asato Anders, the afternoons and couple of nights cuddling together was those time where the omega will tell him about his life, his childhood, all the good memories and some bad ones. The alpha will just listen silently, remembering every words and details, but he hardly ever talk about himself.

Every time the topics about Damian's family or childhood came up, his expression will grow rigid, colder, sometimes fear reflected under those eyes. So the omega waits, because rather than lying, it's better to not say anything at all, at least that's what Reiko told him in the past, when she was still healthy and alive.

"You know that you have to tell me what's going on eventually right?" Asato ask and put his palm on of Damian's across the table. The couple is sitting inside an empty classroom.

Damian is quiet, he look at the shorter man beside him and look away, he sigh. The alpha realize he sigh a lot lately, before he met Asato he had always been in the dark about everything, he had bury his past and just go on with his life. He just accept whatever things falling down his hands, may it punishment or insults from his family members.

"I will tell you someday," Damian says breaking the silence between them. He finally look at Asato in the eyes, "there are still some things that still doesn't make any sense, but I will tell you everything once everything become clear, I promise," the alpha finished to put a kiss on top of the curly blonde head.

That's good enough for now, Asato lay his head on Damian shoulder, their hands intertwined. They just sit there in a comfortable silence.

Their life goes on like usual after that, except of one thing. Donovan Knight has been visiting the university regularly, which is kind of annoying. Asato thought this will brings trouble to Damian because he is scared of his own brother, but recently something has definitely changed. Every time they met accidentally, either in the hallways or the campus' yard, Damian will just glare at his brother, the fear that used to be inside his eyes are long gone.

Whatever happened in the headmaster's office that day, has somehow changed Damian's attitude towards his brother. But what scared Asato the most is how Donovan's reaction towards Damian's gaze of hatred, he just smirk and sometimes he smiles at Asato himself, those smiles somehow makes Asato uncomfortable, Damian might have sense how uncomfortable the omega become every time they ran into his brother, that is why he is always in his protective mode around his brother.

The last period of the day ends and Asato walk towards his part-time job. Damian has to go to the gym that day and promised to come to the coffee shop later, of course that man has to workout regularly, alphas just don't born with those six packs naturally.

There's actually something that has been bothering Asato lately. Every time he's alone outside, was it just him being paranoid, but someone has been following him everywhere he goes. He doesn't bother to tell Damian though, because it may just his imagination.

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