Advice -Silver

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Ok, so nobody wanted to ask for advice ;( so I made this:

So school is starting school for elementary through high school users so here's some advice for studying:

If you are a visual learner, make sure to use a unique color pen when studying for a specific topic, then when the test comes around use the same color pen. Your mind will associate the color with the topic you studied.

If you are a kinetics learner, I know it's kind of hard because you can't exactly move around much in class when taking a test, but you can move your fingers. For instance: when I'm trying to remember something I like to wrap my hand around my pinky (on same hand) so you can make up ways to use your fingers to remember topics.

Ahh and of course you audio learners I could never forget you, so don't worry. So I find it easier to absorb information when it's musical so what I recommend is either: find a song on you tube to memorize for a topic, or: make up your own songs or rhymes for a topic. When the test comes memorize it through you head.

Good luck guys, I hope you get nice teachers.

[Comment Below or Pm me so Silver could give out advice ^.^]

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